Page 36 of She Wolf

“He livens up a game, that’s for sure. I’m glad to see June is on the mend.” Moving over to the side where I left the bag of popcorn, I reopen it and pour the popped kernels into the empty bowl.

“Yes. She really went through it. It’s nice to be able to travel again.”

“You’ll come over to watch game four with us, won’t you?” I’ve already invited her but I want to make sure she knows she’s welcome here.

“Of course, we wouldn’t miss it.” She cups my face, smiles a warm mom-type smile and then walks off with the fresh bowl of popcorn.

The Wolves win with a shutout, Florida having failed at getting any pucks past Rex all game and I know that’s got to feel good. We all went wild, Chloe especially. And even though it’s late I’m glad Jack was able to stay awake for the whole game. To witness something like that and have the connection we have to the players and the team is extraordinary and I want him to treasure these memories.

We say goodbye to Alison and June and then I quickly put Jack to bed. He’s out like a light, leaving me a bit of time to catch up with Chloe. As it’s a warm spring night we opt to have a drink outside, sinking into the comfy cream cushioned outdoor furniture. Chloe lets out a long breath,

“Phew, that was crazy. I bet Rex is so hyped up. I can’t wait to speak to him. I wish I was there with him now,” she pouts.

“He had quite the night,” I wholeheartedly agree. “Although I still don’t know why you didn’t go to Florida.”

“No one else was going and it would have seemed odd being the only WAG to join the team.”

“I think theQueen of the Wolvescan do anything she likes,” I say pointedly.

“That title will go to you now. Just wait and see. Gunner’s girl and three brothers. They are gonna love to hate you,” she sing-songs the last four words.

The ‘they’ are the women who revolve in and out of the team. Women who seem only to be there for one reason—to bag a pro athlete. And anyone will do, so long as they have a spot on the bench and money to spend.

These girls come back once or twice but rarely seem to stick with one player—Or the players rarely stick with them. But they seem to not be the friendliest of ladies. Which is strange because you would think if you wanted to be part of the Wolves family, you would be a little nicer.

“They don’t hate you, there’s nothing to hate. Jealous maybe, but not hate,” I tell her and then take a sip out of her glass.

“Most of them do, you keep yourself out of a lot of it. It’s been so lovely having Anna around, she’s moreus,don’t you think?”

“I actually don’t think I’ve ever seen Casey this happy,” I agree. “Now let’s drink more of her wine. It’s yummy.”

“Yes, let’s.” Chloe clinks her glass against mine and settles back. It will be a little

while until the boys are free to talk. We watched Coach and Rex’s interview right after the game ended. At one point the camera showed Casey being pulled off to the side briefly. He was puffing and sweating but looked over the moon.

“So, tell me everything that’s happened so far with Gunner,” she asks and that’s a

topic I can get on board with. I could talk about Gunner all night long, but I know exactly what she’s after.

I’m unable to keep the smile from my face. “We haven’t had a lot of time. I got the divorce papers and then the series started, so nothing much has happened beyond a kiss.”

“Hmm,” she nods.

“We’ve texted a little. He’s cute. Makes me feel like a teenager again and it’s fun navigating a new side to our relationship. He’s always been Casey’s best friend, and I just thought the way he behaved around me was because of that. Turns out I was wrong, and our friendship meant more to him.”

She purses her lips. “I’ll say. The things he’s done for you in the past—I mean seriously, what guy picks up the kid of the woman he’s not even dating, and says he did it because he was just passing the rink?”

She rolls her eyes as if she’s exasperated with me. “Come on he gets absolutely mobbed every time he steps foot in that place. It’s full to the brim with wannabe hockey stars. No way was he just passing by.”

I know she’s right. “He definitely went above and beyond best-friends-sister duties. I’m just so hesitant to take the plunge. Twenty percent of me is an anxious mess, but the other eighty percent? Excited as hell!” I say as I run the pad of my finger around the pattern on the wine glass."

“Is this about Nick the Dick? I did wonder how you were feeling about it all, but there hasn’t been a good moment to catch up since,” she says cautiously.

I shake my head. “It’s not about him, not really. I mean yeah, I’d like to wipe out six years of my life but without him, there would be no Jack.”

She smiles warmly waiting for me to continue.

“I’m worried about jumping in too fast. I’m so attracted to him, it’s ridiculous. And it’s not just how handsome he is. I mean it helps with his perma-scruff and those big ole soulful eyes but it’s his innate kindness that really makes my knees weak. And then there’s the way my heart aches whenever he’s with Jack, it’s…”