Page 12 of Vampire's Fate

“I-I’m sure you’re right,” I breathed, feeling alone, afraid.

“Are you alright, Roxie?” Dad asked. “You don’t sound okay.”

“Daunted by the decision ahead of her, I’m sure,” Mum said with amusement. “I know it’ll be hard for you to choose only one of them. I hear they’re all very handsome.”

“Yeah,” I agreed weakly. “They’re definitely … handsome.”

“Tell me everything,” Mum breathed, and I could practically see the grin on her face. I felt a bit of my dread slip away at the image, and I smiled.

“One of them is a no-go. Mean and unfriendly and not my type. But the other two are … nice. I think I could like them, maybe a lot.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful, Roxie,” Mum gushed. “Just make sure you choose someone patient and kind,aswellas terribly good looking.”

I huffed a laugh, ignoring the note in my pocket. “I will, Mum. I’ll choose a good son-in-law for you both, I promise.”

“Good,” Dad replied with a laugh. “I have high expectations.”

So did I, but it wouldn’t matter how patient my husband was if I didn’t survive the week.


Ijumped at every shadow from the training room to my bedroom. It felt like it took an hour, not the usual two minutes.

A low moan filtered into the hallway and I stopped dead, my breath caught in my throat as I spun around, searching for the source. A wraith? A ghost? A hungry vampire looking for a late night snack? The latter was the most likely, but I was so freaked out that I’d be relieved to see even Silas right now.

“Just the wind,” I whispered to myself, forcing myself to start walking again. My heart slammed into my ribs, faster with every beat. “Just the wind.”

But it came again a moment later, and I ignored my shaking hands as I crept close to the door it had come from—a spare bedroom I knew none of my suitors were staying in because it hadn’t been aired out for months, the door always shut. Now, the door was cracked open, letting a sliver of soft amber light spill into the hallway.

I lifted my fists into a defensive position as I edged closer, waiting for the sound again, ready to fight whatever monster thought it could break into my house and threaten me. The moan came again, but it was more human—or vampire—than ghostly, and I exhaled in relief. I edged closer, peering through the crack in the door and—


Oh, fuck.

Okay. That was … unexpected.

I meant to walk away, but I froze there, watching through the crack in the door as River and Claude writhed together, their naked bodies so close they could have been fused together, Claude’s legs splayed wide. His silver head snapped up from below, his fangs burying in River’s shoulder.

My body flashed hot and cold, embarrassment and arousal clamouring inside me as I stood there and watched.Walk away, I screamed at myself, but my body wouldn’t budge, shock freezing me in place.

The moan came again, and now I knew it was River’s voice, River’smoanas his hips slammed into Claude’s ass. He bowed over the older vampire, his short brown hair mussed and the muscles in his back shifting with every thrust.

I must have made a small sound because they both went deadly still, both heads turning towards the door. My breath caught, my heartbeat drumming fast in my throat. Oh, fuck. They knew I was there. Watching their live porn show like a perv.

I hadn’t meant to spy on them in such a private moment, hadn’t even realised they were together. But then River’s words came back to me.

If I were you, I’d pick either me or Claude. Or both.

Both, because they were intimate with each other. I didn’t know how to process this sudden shift. Were they courting me separately or did they want to share me? My head spun. I needed air badly.

I turned away, meaning to escape into the garden, but my heart leapt into my throat and I froze when Claude called out, “Please. Please, my Roxie.”


My whole body erupted in tingles at the sound of my name on Claude’s lips. I froze in the shadows of the corridor, staring through the crack in the door as the ancient vampire writhed. When he trembled, a matching shiver moved through me.

This felt wrong. Sinful. Dirty.