“What are you doing for work these days?”
She turned her entire body to face me, and I knew she was ready for a full-on catching-up conversation. To say I was excited would have been an understatement.
“I work for an advertising agency. I am a project manager and I oversee everything that leaves our doors.”
“Wow, sounds like a big job.”
“It has its moments. I’ve been with the company for, gosh, ten years now, so it’s kind of become second nature.”
“Sounds like you enjoy it.”
“Oh, I love it. I can’t imagine myself doing anything else.”
“Isn’t it great when you find things like that?”
She nodded her head and smiled. “What are you up to these days? I remember you had big dreams of making movies before we left for college.”
I cleared my throat. I loved my job, and I was proud of my accomplishments, but I always felt a bit full of myself whenever I talked about them. But Skye knew I wasn’t like that, right?
“Yeah, actually, I do work in the film industry.”
“Oh really? What do you do?”
“I, um, I’m a producer.”
“You’re kidding? That’s incredible! Do you work for a production company, or do you do freelance type work?”
This is the part of the conversation where I always felt the most uncomfortable.
“I actually started my own production company right out of college, and I’m still running it.”
“Owen!” she squealed. “That’s amazing! I always knew you would accomplish your dreams.”
One thing I had always loved about Skye was her ability to get excited for anyone. She was always rooting for the people she cared about, and she celebrated their accomplishments with genuine enthusiasm.
“So, would I know anything you have produced?”
“Um…probably, but I don’t want to sound too braggy about it. Just look for Galaxy Pictures the next time you watch a movie.”
“Galaxy Pictures? Fine, if you won’t tell me, I’ll just have to look it up myself.”
She pulled out her phone and started typing. Her eyes got wide as she looked over the list of movies my company had produced. I had to admit, it was a rather long list of many well-acclaimed movies.
She turned back to face me, and her mouth was agape. I tried to resist the smile that was crossing my face, but it was nearly impossible.
“Well, it seems like you’ve done rather well for yourself in the past fifteen years.”
I shrugged my shoulders. I wasn’t going to deny it. It’s not like my success had happened overnight. It took years of struggle and countless hours of hard work to get to where I was career-wise.
“It has been a wild ride, that’s for sure,” was all I could manage to say.
“Owen, you’re like a big-time producer. I didn’t think you could do all that from New York.”
“Well, I travel to LA pretty often, but for the most part, I can do almost everything from my office in the city.”
“Would you ever move to LA?”
“Oh, absolutely not. I love New York way too much. And I can’t imagine living in a place with so many people in the industry.”