She knew they were in their thirties, just mere months apart in age. But where Aston’s eyes were a dark, glowering shade of gray that seemed to demand obedience, Konnor’s deep brown irises looked into her soul and picked apart her scariest secrets, leaving her vulnerable and exposed.

Houston, on the other hand, peeled away her defenses, her shields, and her fortified walls with a single glance of his smoldering blue eyes until the only thing holding her together was her true self.

She stumbled through the cumulative effect the three of them had on her. Konnor wanted her secrets, Houston wanted her shields, and Aston demanded she obey them all.

But she’d held her body in check for as long as she could, and now a fresh wave of biting heat soared through her with a vengeance.

She was going to die if they didn’t … if they didn’t …

The thought remained unfinished because giving it life would mean she was truly at their mercy, and that was something she didn’t want them to know, even if it were true on her end.

She cut off the sob rising in her throat and shook her head before she raised her chin. All she had to think about was how they’d treated her family. How dare they decide her parents were not worth their time?

How dare they?

But the intense, hammering heat wave reverberating through her knocked her down completely. She felt as if she were drowning in a pool of lava, unable to breathe as her entire body throbbed with the most bizarre pain, and her breasts—dear god, her breasts—were killing her.

A string of stars burst from behind her closed eyes. Her stomach caved in, and she dropped her head on her shoulder.

“Please,” she said, parched like she had never been before in her life. She wanted to be released so she could help herself by trying to douse the firestorm inside her.

She knew she would have some reaction to the tea they had given her, but this … this was nothing like she imagined it would be.

She quivered as the flimsy ribbon holding the garment to her body was pulled apart, and the fabric parted down the middle of her body. She battled and lost the overwhelming need to cover herself; her modesty pushed beyond what she had prepared herself for over the years since she had known of the Pegasus dynasty and the role she would play in their lives.

She anticipated this and had already analyzed every computation and reaction she might have, but she had been so wrong to think she could handle them.

The slight touch of two sets of hard and calloused hands on her skin as they parted the gown further to reveal her breasts obliterated every coherent thought from her mind.

Her nerves melted, her control diminished a little more, and all she found herself wanting to do was to get closer to them so she could imbibe the scent of their cologne as if it were the only nourishment she needed.

What was wrong with her? What had become of her?

She was losing her mind and couldn’t focus enough to rebuild her armor.

“You’ll look at us when we touch you, virgin.”

How could they look so incredibly beautiful, but also so .... She couldn’t find the right word. Cruel?

Her brows dipped to the center of her forehead. That was the right word.


… As if she were their enemy.

But her body started to shatter apart as Konnor and Houston reached out and held her swollen, heavy breasts in their hands.

She yanked at the chains desperately. Their touch scalded her and yet she wanted to push herself into their hands and beg them to help her relieve the incredible agonizing fullness in her breasts.

“Please, please, please,” she whispered. She just needed to do something to end the frenzy that was razing her down so that she could think properly.

She scrunched her eyes shut so hard that she saw stars again. Konnor and Houston cupped her breasts now and eased their fingers toward her nipples.

She hissed in embarrassment as a stream of wetness pooled at the entrance of her pussy. Dear god. She had no control over her body anymore.

Capturing the engorged bead that her nipples had become between their thumbs and index fingers, Konnor and Huston squeezed at her hardened peaks.

Winter felt their touch in the roots of her hair, in every cell in her body, and deep down in her soul. She whimpered and growled shamelessly as they started to pump her breasts with their hands, pressing down on her nipples, but all that managed to do was drive her crazier.