Konnor slid the head of the plug to her labia, then parted her folds to dip into the sea of wetness she’d collected at the entrance of her core.
The sensation flung her off her axis. The foreign fullness both scared her and aroused her equally.
She prayed fervently for the fortitude not to move. Except that was impossible.
With Konnor standing to her side and Houston holding her down by her hair, Aston slid in behind her.
His belt was still in his hand.
Her apprehension skyrocketed. She tried to squirm away, but that was impossible. Houston soothed her down. She could only hear the sound of his voice and not comprehend his words, but she fell for it anyway.
Then it happened.
She was too shocked after the first strike to feel anything. The second seemed to sear every cell in her body. But the third strike across her backside stung through every layer of her skin in complete torturous slow motion, unearthing new levels of piercing pain that sat with her like the grim reaper.
She couldn’t contain herself any longer. Long tears fell from her eyes and slid sideward across her face as Houston kept her cheek flat against the bench.
She hissed and growled, thrashed, and quaked, but all that resulted in was the plug going a little deeper inside her pussy, forcing her to contend with the strange but curious spasms that scattered throughout the whole of her as well.
She shuddered in shame at the wetness dripping from her, sliding down the plug and possibly onto Konnor’s hand.
Aston lashed her flesh again, blinding her. Her sobs turned into whole-body wrecks. She bit her tongue so much that she could feel it swell in her mouth. Persistently, she forced herself to remember what was at stake.
Her pride.
Her family’s pride.
But the conflict between her determination and her bizarre, unwanted, and unneeded wantonness totaled her completely.
She could handle none of their touches. Not Houston’s hand pulling at her hair. Not Konnor holding a butt plug to her pussy that rained down copious amounts of unwarranted liquid arousal. And not Aston and his belt layering her flesh with burning-red hot streaks.
The maniacal need to push down on the plug so it speared deeper into her pussy, to writhe away from Houston just so he was forced to pull harder on her hair and to lift her ass so Aston could lash her deeper and faster, changed who she was. It was as if she sought out their dark, deviant touches on her body like an addict.
She sizzled from head to foot. An orgasm, erected directly from her defiance, caught fire and consumed her.
No. No. No.
But her struggle to get away prompted them to change their tactics. Aston stopped belting her. Konnor twirled the plug around in her pussy. She scrunched her eyes closed as the faint sound of her wetness collecting on the diamond echoed around the room.
Dear god. Why?
Konnor removed the plug. Aston parted her ass cheeks. Houston held her down more firmly.
She felt her wetness first against the tight rings of her hole, a place that was explicitly off-limits to every human being on the planet, then a little deeper.
Before she could register much else, Konner penetrated her hole with one forceful thrust of the plug into her; the only lubricant was the wetness from her own pussy.
The first instance of her scream was barely audible, obscured by the hoarseness in her voice and the fear unrolling inside her. She couldn’t breathe or find her voice after that and managed only low, agonized grunts as the plug stretched a part of her not meant to be touched at all.
Under Konnor’s forceful hand, the inside of her backside could do nothing but yield. He’d found her body’s natural resistance and stepped over the boundary with the confidence of a dominant man who got what he wanted.
She didn’t know which was more shocking: Aston’s belt that went from blazing, biting stings changing to something so erotic she couldn’t describe it, or Konnor’s plug.
The resilience of her flesh was futile as Konnor forced her to surrender to him, pushing the plug inside her most prohibited place. But succumbing to him meant succumbing to the most electrifying burn as well and an unimaginable fullness that torched her cells and left her sobbing uncontrollably.
Incoherently, she begged them to take it out of her when, abruptly and instantaneously, the burn inside her spread to the rest of her body and smoldered in her womb as if she wanted to come.
She didn’t know this depraved person she’d become, and worse, she didn’t know if she would ever find her old self again after this.