Taking a sobering breath when she stood alone yet again, Winter now stood in the middle of the room, where she was supposed to be.
Estimating that the allotted time had passed and they, the Masters of Pegasus, would soon be arriving, Winter sank to her knees, where she stood, tucked her legs underneath her, and laid her hands in her lap.
She’d done a good job averting her gaze from the velvet cushion on a table and the three gold-handled whips, with a pegasus engraved into each one, laying across each other.
But now, she kept skittishly glancing in that direction. Her heart beat heavily against her chest while the skin on her back throbbed with phantom pain.
How was she going to survive this?
She bowed her head and closed her eyes, but all she saw was them again.
Her body started to sizzle wherever they’d touched her, and as she pressed her thighs together, she was immediately conscious of the heat in her pussy.
Her nipples hardened on their own accord, remembering what it felt like to be taken into their mouths and sucking until they drew the milk from her breasts.
She had to stop thinking about them that way. Had she really become weakened so severely that she was now romanticizing them?
But even that mental reprimand wasn’t enough to deter her body. The sleekness between her thighs increased. As if she could still feel their touch, more wetness gathered on her naked folds, stunning her. Her breasts still tingled.
The heat from their mouths still lingered, hotter than the fever ravaging her. Embarrassed by her own body, she felt her breasts leak with milk, soaking the gossamer fabric of the clean dress.
She resisted the urge to run to the bathroom and clean up. Her orders were explicit. She couldn’t move from the spot in the middle of the chamber, under no circumstances, until they arrived.
But minutes ticked by. Then it was half an hour. An hour. Her body slouched over, stiffening and hurting now. When three hours had passed, and they hadn’t arrived, she curled into a ball, and nothing she did could stop the tears flowing from her eyes.
They hadn’t come back.
She was still a virgin on the night she was meant to sacrifice her innocence to them so her father could reclaim their family name. So, the people who mattered would know that the Creers were once again one of the chosen elites.
But they’d changed their minds.
Was it because of the way she looked? Did they decide after touching her that they couldn’t continue with taking her virginity? If that were the case, what could she possibly do to change their minds? She was on her knees, throwing her body at them to do whatever they needed to do. What else could she offer them?
A sad sob quivered from her lips. She had let down her whole family. The three Pegasus billionaires rejected her in the most callous way possible, and she didn’t know if it was heart breaking or her body.
More tears seeped from her eyes before an exhausted sleep settled restlessly over her.
Sometime during the night, she’d wake up in startled shock, completely disoriented except for the heaviness she now carried in her soul.
A kind-looking woman was gently patting her awake.
“Come child. To the bed.”
She helped Winter off the floor and guided her toward the exit of the chamber.
“Where are they?” Winter asked, stalling.
“I don’t know. But you can’t sleep here. Let’s go upstairs, and I’ll prepare something to stop the leaking.”
Mortified, Winter became instantly aware of her aching breasts, of the hotness that plagued her breasts, and of the fabric that she had soaked through completely with her milk.
“Don’t be embarrassed, child. We’ll sort that out immediately.”
“They’re not coming back, are they?”
“It doesn’t look like it. They’ve instructed me to take care of you. Come on, let’s get out of this dark place. My name is Mildred, by the way, but everyone calls me Millie."
Winter allowed herself to be taken to the elevators, then upstairs, where she was ushered into a bedroom. Millie handed her a soft, luxurious nightdress to change into, then excused herself to go and get her something for her leaking breasts.