With his hand, he wiped at the specks of her virgin blood clinging to the veins on his cock, then trailed it over the left side of his chest, just like Aston had done. Embarrassment shattered through her, but it was the least of her problems.
When Houston came for her next, she was torn between begging him to take away the emptiness inside her and dying because she was so desperate and on the verge of begging.
She couldn’t contain an embarrassed purr from falling from her lips when Houston picked her up and made her straddle his lap, his cock shockingly hard, thick, and long between them.
“I just need a little of that sweet innocent blood of yours on the tip of my cock, little kitten.” As he spoke, he lifted her and positioned the head of his cock to her entrance, then pressed her down his length. “Will you let me go that deep inside you, Winter?”
Incoherent sounds echoed off the walls of the room. She bit her lip, and unwanted tears streamed down her face as Houston forced more and more of his cock inside her, stretching her anew.
“It’s okay,” he whispered. He slid his hand down to her between her thighs and twisted his finger around so that it rested just under her clit.
The slight pressure ruined her. Her body writhed over Houston’s cock. His strokes made her wetter, and his cock glided further into her. Fire blazed under her skin as he captured her nipple in his mouth and sucked with the same intensity as his fingers stroked her clit.
Without taking his eyes off her, the walls of her pussy closed in on him. She couldn’t fight the orgasm riveting through her if she tried, and Houston saw her come apart on his lap with his cock embedded deep enough inside to catch a speck of her virgin blood.
As he slowly lifted her off his cock, his hand slid down his length, capturing the last of her virginal blood on his hand.
He refused to let her climb off his lap. Instead, he made her watch him leave an imprint of her blood on his chest before he kissed her lips with such fragility she wanted to cry.
There were two things that bothered her.
One, they didn’t come inside her. Two, the glimpse she caught of the tattoo on their chests, spotted now with her virgin’s blood, looked nothing like a pegasus.
Chapter Sixteen
Winter sat quietly on the bed in the room; she hadn’t left since she got there. She’d been taken care of, fed until she couldn’t eat anymore, bathed, and her virginity taken all in this room.
Her days were so messed up. They’d taken her virginity when the sun was slowly rising in the sky, and after cleaning her up, they’d put her to bed and then let her sleep. Alone.
Now, it seemed to be dusk already, and a heaviness in her heart dragged her down a chasm of gloom.
All they wanted was evidence of her innocence so they could continue with their breeding rituals. But wasn’t that what she expected?
A knock on the door startled her, but soon, Millie popped her head in.
“Millie,” Winter said excitedly, so grateful to see a familiar, friendly face. She hugged the older woman tightly. “You’re here.”
“Hello, my little dear. I’m here indeed.” Millie smiled, but only sadness reached her eyes. “I’m running a little late, so we must hurry. The masters are waiting for you. This is Louise; she’s my assistant,” Millie said as a shy young girl entered the room, bearing a tray of food.
“Hi, Louise. It's nice to meet you. I’m Winter.”
“Mistress,” Louise said, bowing her head before she placed the tray on a table.
“Now, you need to eat. You’re going to need all your strength and so much more, dear.”
“Why?” Winter asked, frowning.
With a tone burdened with worry, Millie continued. “It’s time,” she said heavily.
“For your branding.”
Winter’s stomach sank with nerves. She wasn’t ready. She was never going to be ready. Ever. She realized she was having a panic attack and quickly rectified the situation and her emotions.
This was what she had been prepared for all her life. It was nothing new or different. She read it for what felt like a thousand times in the Pegasus scrolls.
They’d taken her virginity, and now they’d brand her. And then they would impregnate her.