Maybe she was being quietly defiant or loudly so when she gave the artist her arm and showed him where she wanted it on the inside of her wrist.

To say her day was getting weirder would fall short of describing it.

After getting her hair streaked with multiple bright colors and a phoenix tattooed on the inside of her wrist, they next took her to a private boutique for a dress to wear. Someone was there to do her makeup, and she felt like Cinderella in a stunningly pale blue dress.

When she emerged from the changing room with her dress, shoes, and makeup done, she felt like a million dollars. But as their gazes whisked the length of her body from the top of her head to her pretty shoes, a blanket of shyness consumed her.

They’d been patiently waiting for her again, pulling out their laptops to get work done while she was trying on dress after dress. Were they really fulfilling some of the items on her dream list? What? Even saying that in her mind made no sense, given who they were. First of all, they waited on no one, and yet...

They didn’t know that number one on that list was falling in love and being loved back equally.

When Winter walked into the gymnasium of the school she had attended, she found herself blinking repeatedly.

The entire area had been transformed into, well, prom night.

A canopy of shimmering stars transformed the ceiling into a celestial masterpiece. Swaths of streamers rained down on them while the entire area smelled like roses from the fresh boutiques of flower centerpieces gracing circular tables and also pinned to the fabric-covered walls. The whole place was a magical wonderland, complete with a DJ, a photo booth, candy floss machines, and a bar.

If what she saw was disbelieving, she had no words to describe what continued to unfold before her eyes.

Friends she hadn’t seen since high school and acquaintances she knew from class also filled the gym. How…?


Winter blinked several times to take in the sight of Amelia rushing toward her.

“Oh my gosh, your hair,” Amelia squealed, skidding to a stop. “It’s stunning and you always wanted to do this.”

“I know. And look at this,” Winter said beaming, raising her wrist to show Amelia her first tattoo. Amelia gaped first at the tattoo then at Winter, her eyes double in size. “Who are you even?” she whispered loudly. “But no, look at this. You like?” Amelia gleamed proudly as they both scanned the room.

“How?” Winter asked, still dumbfounded.

“They texted me and told me I had a few hours to set this up. No expense spared. Plus, when you throw around the Pegasus dynasty name, things happen faster than lightning. Oh, please say you like it. They’ll probably chop my head off if you don’t,” Amelia said, genuinely worried.

Winter lifted her head and glanced in their direction. They did this for her?

“I love it,” she said. “I’m still a little dazed at how you managed to pull this off.”

“Like I said, the Pegasus name is like the world is your oyster. Come on, let’s dance.”

She dragged Winter along, but Winter found herself unable to take her eyes off Aston, Konnor, and Houston. But soon, she was surrounded by friends she hadn’t seen in years. Excitement took over, and soon, she was sipping champagne from real crystal glasses. This was definitely a prom for people over the age of twenty-one since there were only bottles of Dom Perignon gracing the tables, and the free bar was loaded with more ridiculously expensive drinks.

Winter sipped champagne, ate caviar, and danced. She smiled and laughed, and she felt free and unencumbered.

Of course, when one of the guys asked her to dance, she blushed. She didn’t know why he apologized immediately before stumbling away until she looked behind her and found a properly glowering Konnor standing there.

“No dancing with little male shits,” he growled. Maybe it was champagne and the party vibe, but she couldn’t stop giggling.

“No dancing with little male shits,” she mimicked in a deep voice. Konnor was not impressed until a slight grin twitched at the corner of his mouth.

She danced until her feet hurt, aware that with every move she made, their gazes followed her closely, thoroughly. They remained seated on the outskirts, doing nothing but watching her. The hot glow on her skin, where they'd centered their attention, spread like wildfire in her veins. She was acutely aware of the dampness in her panties and the way her folds and clit ached to be touched, and her nipples to be sucked. The sensations riveting through her became addictive and enhanced every time she looked at them.

By the time it was over, and everyone had left, including Amelia, who hugged her tightly and told her she would be okay, Winter stood in front of the three men who had capsized her world. Fuck, they were gorgeous. Even with their grumpiness and their unexplained cruelness.

“I think I may have had too much champagne,” she giggled, then squealed as Houston lifted her off the floor and, cradling her in his arms, carried her out to the car.

While Aston drove, Winter took turns resting her head against Konnor’s and Houston’s shoulders.

“Where are we going?” she asked sleepily, peering out the window into the pitch-black darkness outside. Even in her inebriated state, it felt as if they were driving into the mountains.