Impregnate her and then only come to her again once their child is born.
She didn’t know why the need to jump out of the moving car seemed so appealing to her. But deep down, she knew why.
She wasn’t going to survive them touching her again. Every time they did, they took a little piece of her, leaving her weaker, feebler, and dimmer.
Chapter Twelve
Except they didn’t take her back to their home. They didn’t brand her, then take her virginity and breed her.
Winter couldn’t understand why she was being escorted into a luxury salon by three men with varying degrees of grumpiness who also just happened to be the Masters of the Pegasus dynasty. The rulers of the world. The kings of the universe.
So again, why had they brought her to a salon of all the places on the planet?
A pretty stylist greeted them nervously, bowing her head extremely low as she stammered through her words. She then welcomed Winter warmly before gesturing her into a chair.
Winter was too dumbfounded to react, so she obediently did as she was told. In her mind, she questioned why the salon was empty, especially since it looked like clients had been evacuated in the middle of having their hair done. What was going on?
“Purple streaks?” The stylist removed Winter’s headband and shook out her long tresses. “You have the most beautiful hair, and I will value it with my life. Is there anything else you’d like?”
If she hadn’t learned to hide her emotions at a young age, she would have sat there gaping. How did the stylist know she wanted to add purple color to her hair unless they told her? Winter had randomly mentioned it in a moment of vulnerable weakness. She didn’t expect that it would happen just because it was something she’d foolishly wanted.
What was really going on?
A quick glance at her reflection in the mirror in front of her also included their reflections, and she was further amazed.
Looking entirely out of place in the salon and yet not seeming to care, Aston, Konnor, and Houston had taken up three seats around a table. While Konnor spoke on his phone about some business things, Aston and Houston worked on their laptops.
If she had picked the unlikeliest thing ever to see, this would be in her top three, without a doubt.
“No thanks,” Winter replied, bringing herself down to earth. She smiled at the pretty stylist. "Just... just purple streaks, please.”
“You got it.”
Getting her hair done with something her parents didn’t think was conservative enough or something to that effect for a Pegasus virgin. Suddenly, she felt extremely liberated and wanted to be bolder just to see how far she could push this. She asked for red, green, and gold streaks as well.
All she got from the three men behind her was a raised eyebrow and nothing more.
Good. They owned her virginity. Not her hair.
Mandy, the name of the stylist, worked fast and efficiently for the most part since she also couldn’t hide the fact that she was highly intimidated by their presence. Winter wondered if there was anyone in the world who wouldn’t be terrified by their overpowering, imposing presence.
By the time she left, Mandy had styled her now-rainbow-colored hair into soft, thick curls that bounced whenever she moved.
She couldn’t believe they had sat through the hours it had taken to get her hair done without telling her to hurry up.
Who were these men exactly?
Back in the car, she watched them keenly. What were they up to?
She didn’t know what to say when they next stopped at a tattoo place, mostly because she was dying on the inside from shock.
Were they granting her the wishes she had made? If that were the case, she should have added freedom to her list as well… although the mind-boggling thought of never seeing them seemed to have quite a profound effect on her.
Again, the parlor was devoid of other clients, as if they had been hastily evacuated. They seemed to know the artist personally, and she wondered if they had tattoos themselves and what they were.
She hadn’t thought much about what she would get when given the chance, so she was completely taken off guard when she had to choose something from a thick album of images.
She had no idea why she picked the image of a phoenix when presented with a whole selection of mythical creatures, including that of a pegasus.