“Do you mind?” She asked them as they stood around the lounge area with their hands in the pockets of the suit pants, looking like they even owned this house that belonged to her family.

Well, they didn’t own her anymore.

They’d made their intention pretty clear with a near-public snub by returning her.

Getting back into the good graces of the Pegasus dynasty was one thing; doing everything right and then being shunned like that was another, and not one her father could recover from.

She wished she had never known they existed.

Her mother couldn’t stop fidgeting and kept opening and closing her mouth. Winter knew what she wanted to ask.

What’s wrong with our daughter that you’re giving her back?

Her moderately inebriated father--more than she had ever seen him drunk before--looked ready to cry and seeing him so upset broke her heart.

“Are you ready?” Houston asked.


Both her parents were as startled as she was. Ready for what?

“I don’t understand. What do you mean?” Winter asked coldly. She had suffered through the dinner with a butt plug in her ass, and she had to smile through it while knowing they were just degrading her family even more by staying for dinner. And now this? What did they want from her?

“To leave,” Konnor added as if everyone around him was dumb for making him state the obvious.

“Why?” She cried harshly, her head going to explode.

They were playing games with her and her family; she just didn’t know why. Were they really so petty that they had to flaunt their power like that? What did her family ever do to them?

“You still want my daughter?” Piqued by the conversation, her father asked with so much hope, as if they held his life in their hands.

They didn’t.

She and her family didn’t need them. They’d be so much happier without all this secret society stuff.

“Nothing’s changed, Creer. She still belongs to us.”

Winter didn’t hear much else after that. She vaguely heard her father thank them so profusely that she wondered if he would drop down to his knees in front of them.

She couldn’t fathom why they were taking her back when they had her in their possession but didn’t take her virginity.

Yet again, her father handed her over to them. And again, she didn’t have the strength to break his heart, not when he had thought it was over.

With herculean effort, she managed to contain her fury and bit down the barrage of words she wanted to fling at them, ending it by telling them they could go to hell and stay there.

Again, she had to be the obedient daughter. She had to go back with them meekly and submissively, as was expected of a Pegasus virgin.

One last time. And then this will be over, and I’ll be free.

“Why are you doing this?” she asked as they sat in the limo.

“Doing what?” Konnor asked quietly, sitting beside her in the limo while Aston and Houston sat opposite her.

“You’ve insulted me and my family’s intelligence enough for one night. If you don’t want me as your virgin, why am I coming back with you?”

“But we do want you as our virgin, little kitten,” Houston murmured before he grabbed her wrist and hauled her onto his lap. Before she could voice her protest, he’d already rearranged her to straddle him, and with the help of Konnor behind her, her dress was pulled out from being tangled between her legs.

“Let me go. What are you doing?”