The touch of his hands on her skin made her pussy quake, and she bit her lip so hard that tears sprang into her eyes.
No. No. No.
She worried she was going to drip her essence onto the fabric of his clothes. Dear god, no.
But worse than that, as he slid the robe off her and revealed her breasts, she was horrified to find her nipples had hardened to little stones.
Remembering she had to breathe, her gasp for air had her whimpering desperately.
She clenched her hands on either side of her, refusing to react.
They were not going to get her that way.
The robe landed on the carpet around her, leaving her completely naked.
Konnor stepped back.
Quivering uncontrollably, Winter closed her eyes as their collective gazes wandered up and down her body, releasing tiny little volcanoes of heat wherever they touched.
She had to stay strong … but she found herself failing.
More than anything in the world, she wanted to go home. She couldn’t handle these three men, and maybe they saw through her pretense as well.
Her gaze shifted to Houston as he removed his jacket, and instantly, she fell into a well of fear that only seemed to make her hotter. The fluttering in her pussy turned to frantic, wanton pulses.
“Are you going to put the dress on, Winter?” Houston asked as he picked the gown up from the floor where she had dropped it.
A tear fell from her eye, but she raised her chin instead and said nothing.
She wasn’t going to help them do something that was going to kill her family. There wasn’t anything they could do to her that would make her change her mind.
Aston removed his belt, whipping it in the air. The sound made her jerk against the wall. Her body hissed with fear and electricity. Wetness dripped down onto her thighs, and none of it made any sense.
Dear god, what was going to happen to her?
Chapter Eight
Standing her ground was possibly the worst mistake Winter could have made.
She should have run.
Far away.
…and never looked back.
They were three sleek predators, and she was their prey. There was no other way to put it, and wishing the wall behind her would swallow her up was just such a childish, foolish thing to do.
“My lady,” he said, giving her that bone-melting smile of his. She glared at him until her eyes felt like they would pop. She wished she had something to cover her nakedness. “Last chance, are you going to put the dress on yourself?”
She didn’t stand a chance when her only two choices were to put the dress on herself or let them do it for her. But she was still going to fight.
“No,” she said without hesitation. They could do their worst, but they had to know she wasn’t going to willingly help them humiliate her and her family.
But her treacherous body was working against her, silencing her bravado. She’d overestimated herself. She should have fled when she had a better chance of succeeding. What had she been thinking?
Still, fresh panic initiated her flight response. But it was too late.
“As you wish,” Houston said lazily as if her life weren’t falling apart right in front of him.