Every part of her body vibrated with such continuous erotic thrills that she had failed to taper down.
She wasn’t supposed to respond to them this way.
Houston’s hand drifted down her abdomen, the calluses on his hand searing her skin until she shivered anew. He reached her pussy capturing a single lip of her labia and opened her up while Konnor continued to slowly torture her clit.
She lost her mind when Aston did the same thing that Houston did. He caught the other lip of her labia in his fingers and pulled her up fully.
As Aston and Houston milked her breasts and spread apart her pussy, Konnor started to roll her silky-wet clit between his fingers, pinching and tapping against her until her entire body purred.
She couldn’t hold on any longer; what little control she had stored away disintegrated. A climax with the gathering force of an erupting volcano bubbled inside her. She shook her head, desperate not to come again, not to show her diminished strength when her pride should have kept her in check. She tried to writhe away from them, but they just tightened their grips on her with their fingers and their mouths.
Her world exploded as she came, and it felt like a thousand spasms speared her whole body. A deluge of wetness seeped from her. With her labia spread open, Aston, Konnor, and Houston now touched her opened pussy and felt her contractions as her orgasm thundered through her.
Perspiration slid down her back. She was a hot, wet, embarrassed mess, but when they stopped touching her and stood back, looking at her with a hardness that made her tremble all over again, her ignominy knew no boundaries.
She wasn’t supposed to respond to them that way, and they knew. It was clear in the way their gazes shifted over her. Tears now rolled down her face at the way she abased herself in front of them. And yet further mortification awaited her.
Flushed a bright red all over her whole body and face, she watched as Houston handed Aston and Konnor each an ancient-looking goblet. They brought the relic to her nipple, and then, after sucking on her once more, they started to squeeze her milk into the engraved bejeweled cup. Aston released her, and Houston took his place to fill his own cup.
But with every squeeze and pump of her nipple, her pussy pulsed almost relentlessly, and she felt as if she were going to come again.
What was wrong with her? Dear god, why was she doing this to herself?
She knew what was going to happen next. The curtain would be lowered, the audience would see her, and the Masters of Pegasus would drink her milk from the cups to show she was a virgin.
She just wanted it to be over now and craved a moment to be alone so she could analyze everything that they did to her and then throw it away, never to be brought up in her mind ever again.
But what they did next brought a heavy, perplexed frown to her face. She knew the steps of their virgin rituals inside and out.
This was not part of it.
Blasting her new resurrected defenses again, first Aston, then Konnor, and then Houston dipped their finger into her drenched pussy. Then, using her wetness, glistening copiously from their fingers, they rimmed the top of the goblets with the essence of her pussy, while not taking their gazes off her.
She looked up at them in utter confusion. That was not a component of the Pegasus virgin ritual, but they had done it with so much confidence that she wondered if she had gotten the steps wrong.
But all her ponderings were quickly stamped out when two female attendants came upon her as soon as the masters left. Her wrists and ankles were untied, and her gown put back into place.
The curtain was lowered. The attendants led her onto the main area of the stage. She surprised herself by saying that she could walk on her own two feet.
The monk spoke again. Cheers went up. And Winter lowered her head as Aston, Konnor, and Houston drank her milk from the cups with the wetness from her pussy clinging to the rim.
The sweeter she tasted, the quicker she would become pregnant by them.
Chapter Six
Winter wasn’t allowed to stay for the celebratory feast, which absolutely suited her best, although what waited for her next was even more daunting than what had happened to her moments ago.
Still, she didn’t want to have a meltdown in front of a dungeon full of billionaires.
The attendants assigned to assist her escorted her off the stage and guided her through the cave-like structure beneath their house. They arrived at the enclosure where she had taken a bath, which now felt like a lifetime ago.
Another was prepared for her, and after stripping off the garment, she sank into the pool of water and dunked her head completely, the flowers still in her hair.
She held her breath for as long as she could until she forced herself to emerge. She had to get a grip.
The tingling burn in her breasts slowly started to rise inside her, but she ignored it, hoping it would just go away and knowing that was not how it worked.
While she was grateful to be left alone, even if only for a little while—the attendants had quietly slipped out of the enclosure while she insisted on bathing herself—a heavy lump rose to her throat.