"I see," Merrill said and left it at that.

Gavin brought a ring, just as Merrill had instructed and presented it to me in Merrill's study (in Merrill's presence), before the designated week was up. The center diamond was two full carats with smaller, round diamonds twisting and swirling around the band. It was huge and beautiful and it felt like a great weight around my finger when Gavin slipped it on. Gavin took me out afterward, to a restaurant.

"What is this?" I asked, as he led me down a sidewalk on a narrow street in London.

"You'll see," he said, guiding me down brick steps that led below street level. After reaching the bottom of the steps, we walked forward for perhaps twenty feet before coming to a thick, steel door. Gavin pulled a card from his pocket and swiped it through a reader at the side. The door opened automatically, closing behind us once we were through. We walked another ten feet in darkness before coming to a small pool of dim light, where two vampires stood guard before another door. I was beginning to worry a little at that point.

"Gavin," one of the vampires acknowledged while the other opened the door for us. I was ushered into the only vampire restaurant in the London area. Muted sounds of silver and glasses clinking mingled with voices talking and soft music. The interior was dimly lit, but it may as well have been daylight to the vampires present. Perhaps twenty private booths lined the square perimeter of a spacious room, with a bar at one end, complete with a vampire bartender. The scents of human women mixed with that of vampire males, varying in ages from younger to very, very old. And the décor? Human five star restaurants might compare to this one. Maybe.

"This is El Diablo," Gavin said, removing my wrap. He'd insisted I wear a dress, so I'd worn a cocktail length black dress he found adequate. Gavin was dressed in a suit; I seldom saw him in anything else. A Maitre d' came, passed my wrap off to another vampire and led us to a booth. I think he might have bowed to Gavin if he thought it might get him somewhere and not look pretentious.

Glasses of blood were offered right away, in champagne flutes, no less. "This is the place for vampires to bring their dates, mostly human," Gavin explained quietly. "They have a fully functioning kitchen in the back, with a human chef. The waiters and bartenders are vampire. Flavio owns this and it has been in operation for nearly twenty years."

A woman moaned in the throes of orgasm across the room, making me lift an eyebrow at Gavin. "This falls outside the rule," he said, reading the question in my eyes. "It is considered a private club and not a public place, plus it is common knowledge that you should have a date if you come here. This way, if you get excited from the smell of blood, you have your own ready supply available."

"Okaaay," I breathed, glancing surreptitiously about the barely lit room.

"It is my hope that you will allow me to take from you, love," Gavin nuzzled my neck. "You may replenish yourself with blood from the bar or drink from me in return. And, as this is somewhat public, you will not be obligated to have full sex. Also, be aware that anything said here may be overheard and repeated."

"Oh, tell me that now," I hissed quietly.

"Lissa, love, they serve blood mixed with the alcohol of your choice. You may drink safely here; I will make sure you come to no harm." He pushed my glass of blood to me. "This is the house specialty, blood with champagne."

"And what if I make a lot of racket and pass out if you bite me?" I whispered. Honestly, why hadn't he warned me before bringing me here? I figured it would be reported if I smacked his shoulder, so I kept my hands in my lap.

"Then I will carry you out and be the envy of everyone here," he smiled.

"You are a piece of work, you know that?" I grumbled.

"Come, try this," Gavin nudged the glass of blood a little farther in my direction.

"On your head be it," I said, lifting the glass. "I should warn you, I can't hold my liquor; it goes right to my head. Four glasses and poof, I was vampire," I said, waving an arm. Gavin placed an arm around me and lifted my free hand for a kiss. The alcohol-laced blood was good. Really good, I suppose I should say. Gavin handed his off to me as soon as mine was finished and called for two more. I was drunk after the third one.

"Now, little Lissa," Gavin nuzzled my neck, pulled back to kiss me and then nuzzled my neck again, nipping it lightly. "You will remember this time, my love," he gripped the back of my neck in his hand, pulled my body against his and sank his fangs into me. My breaths were coming in a series of whimpers as he brought me to climax just with his bite. Sure enough, just like the other times, I blacked out for a little while. When I woke, I was in Gavin's arms. He was murmuring my name and kissing me again.

"You taste so sweet, my little love," he murmured. "Take from me, Lissa. I want to feel the nip of your teeth."

"Gavin," I slurred his name a little.

"Come, love. Just a little. Let me know what the true pleasure is."

I blinked up at him before putting my arms around his neck. "I'm supposed to kiss you, first," I put my mouth on his throat, over the point where his pulse should be. His scent was nearly drugging me that close, so instead of kissing him, I licked his neck and nipped his skin a little. Then I placed the kiss, holding the back of his neck as firmly as I could. Wondering how my small fangs would feel to him—would they be enough to satisfy? I pierced his throat and drank.

Gavin groaned and gripped my body fiercely against his. "Yes, Lissa," he moaned, and then moaned again when I disengaged. I licked his neck to eliminate any stray drops of blood. Now it was his turn to close his eyes. I don't think he passed out or anything close, but he was definitely happy.

"I have only read accounts in the past concerning the pleasure one may receive from the bite of one's mate or lover," Gavin whispered against my ear. "Those accounts did not do justice to the reality." He smiled down at me. "You may take from me any time. Rest assured I will most certainly enjoy it."

Gavin didn't have to carry me out of the restaurant but he certainly had a tight grip on me when I wobbled out. I heard the whispers behind us as we left—vampires telling their dates or companions about the first female turned in seven hundred years.

Chapter 5

Gavin watched me dress for Tate Briggs' execution, his eyes betraying a bit of appreciation as I paraded around in underwear and bra. I chose black slacks and a black sweater, braided my hair and pulled on a pair of black, low-heeled boots while his eyes followed me silently. Gavin kept his arms folded and displayed a slight quirk at a corner of his mouth. He helped me into a short, black leather blazer, my last item. "You need jewelry," he breathed against my ear. "More earrings and necklaces and such. When I return from assignment, we will remedy that." I put my platinum hoop earrings on, causing him to step back with a sigh. I knew he wanted to have sex and had been hinting at it for days, but I didn't know what to do about it. I was feeling a bit queasy over the execution thing, really didn't want to go in the first place and had been told that it was an honor to be invited. Well, Gavin was Roman. I wondered if he'd had season tickets to the Coliseum.