The last thing I sent, and I had to think about it, was a gift basket of food—to Merrill's friend Griffin. I knew he wasn't vampire. I still didn't know what he was or how I knew his name, but he more than likely ate. I'd mulled him over in my mind, even though I'd only gotten a brief whiff of his clothing the night I was so sick. The term Wizard came to mind but that didn't really seem to fit, either. Merrill most likely thought I'd completely missed him or forgot. I sent the gift basket to the street address in New York that Franklin had given me. A pair of cufflinks for Gavin finished up just about everything; they'd go nicely with most of his dress shirts. Now if he'd just calm down enough so I could give them to him.

I was just getting Christmas dinner on the table for the werewolves when my cell phone rang, so I pulled it from the pocket of my jeans. The caller ID showed it was Gavin. I almost cursed, motioned for everybody to sit down and went into the kitchen to take the call.

"Hello?" There was a definite question in my greeting.

"Lissa, pack a bag and meet me at the front gate," Gavin growled. Fuck. Fuck squared. He was here. Why didn't he warn me?

"I'll be there in a few minutes," I said and terminated the call. "Gavin's at the front gate," I told Winkler who was helping himself to mashed potatoes. Daryl and Kathy Jo had come to spend the holiday with Weldon and they looked up at my announcement.

"Is everything all right?" Kathy Jo asked.

"Oh, sure. He'll just yell for a while," I said. "I have to go." I left them there and nearly ran to my bedroom. I tossed jeans, tops and two nice outfits into a bag, along with my toiletries, grabbed both of Gavin's boxed gifts and headed toward the front door. Winkler was right behind me.

"Call if you need somebody to come get you," he said softly.

"Merry Christmas," I said, standing on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. He still had to lean down to receive it.

"Same to you," he said. I'd left the werewolves' gifts under the tree while they weren't looking; they were planning to open them after dinner.

Gavin had a rental car—a Lincoln—parked outside Winkler's gate so I punched in the code and let myself out. He was out of the car, a huge frown on his face and tossing my bag into the trunk in seconds while I placed the other two boxes in the back seat. Gavin came up behind me, almost dumped me into the passenger seat, buckled my seatbelt in less time than it takes to blink and we were off.

He didn't talk and I was afraid to ask where we were going. I glanced his way a time or two, but his face was set in the usual mask. I decided to stare out the window after pulling my knees to my chest. We ended up at a safe house in Dallas. A nice one, actually, in a better neighborhood. The ground floor was spacious and well furnished, as was the basement. Gavin carried my bag down; I brought the boxes and my purse. Once my bag was deposited in the largest bedroom right alongside his, he came and watched me place the wrapped boxes on the table. I imagine he wanted to put his hands on his hips before he started yelling.

"Why did you hang up on me?" he demanded. I sighed and slumped into a chair at the kitchen table.

"Gavin, you were yelling. In languages I don't understand. What was I supposed to do, stand there and hope you'd start speaking English again someday? Yes, the whole thing was stupid but I didn't know what else to do. Do you think I haven't called myself all kinds of an idiot for not doing otherwise? Do you? And to top it all off, that girl was turning. She didn't die right away, Gavin. I had to kill her when Merrill and the others showed up." I was wiping tears by that time. The whole incident still unsettled me and Gavin's temper wasn't helping.

Gavin just stood there for what seemed like forever, staring at me. "Here," I shoved the wrapped boxes toward him. "Your Christmas presents. I can get myself to a hotel or back to Winkler's." I sniffled as I got up to leave.

"Lissa, Cara, why is it like this? I get angry and you cry." Gavin grabbed my arm and pulled me against him. I had the front of his shirt gripped in my hands while I sobbed against his chest. I couldn't help it. Too many things had built up and the dam had finally burst. More than likely, I was staining the snowy whiteness of his expensive Italian shirt with my amber tears but he wasn't stopping me. In fact, he lifted me up, convinced me silently to wrap my legs around his waist and let me cry against his collar, my arms tight around his neck while he spoke softly in Latin. The only thing I got out of all of it, that I understood, anyway, was the "shhhh."

Gavin eventually carried me to the bedroom, settled me on the bed and proceeded to undress me slowly and carefully, kissing, nuzzling and stroking, until I was naked and then he pulled his own clothing off and lowered himself over me. The love was so gentle. So tender. Even the climax with the bite belonged when it came. I knew he wanted it, so I reciprocated. The string of words he uttered when he reached his own orgasm expressed his pleasure, no matter what the language.

* * *

"How did you know the size?" Gavin seemed to like his cashmere coat. He should, I'd spent nearly twenty-five hundred on it. My credit card was groaning from its Christmas burdens. Merrill was going to have to transfer some of my funds to pay for all of it. He couldn't complain that I didn't use the card anymore, though.

"I saw the sizes on some of the stuff you had when we were here before," I told him, sipping my blood. He'd worn me out, almost, in bed. "The suits and shirts you normally wear must be tailored because those things don't carry any sizes in them."

"I have many things made," he agreed, examining his cufflinks. "These are nice—very nice. You have such good taste, Cara. You must look at yours, now."

He brought several velvet boxes from his suitcase and set them in front of me. There was a ruby and diamond necklace with matching earrings, and another set made with sapphires.

"Honey, this is way too much," I said, admiring the sapphires. Blue is my favorite color, after all.

"Tell me you will not have to go back to the werewolves until after the New Year; I wish to take you dancing," he said, drawing me into his arms.

"They're not planning on leaving until the third."

"Good. You will call them later and let them know you will be with me until then." Gavin was back to being bossy. I mentioned it to him. He nuzzled my neck.

"I have not seen you for weeks. How am I supposed to be?" He quirked an eyebrow after pulling away.

"Fine, O autocratic fiancé," I grumbled.

"Where you are concerned, I am not only autocratic but possessive and insanely jealous," he pulled me into a tighter embrace and nipped the skin on my neck.