Merrill arrived in a separate car and was already at the site when Gavin and I reached the designated execution area. It was set up on the grounds near Wlodek's manor and the entire Council was attending. No lights were provided; they weren't needed since vampires and werewolves could all see perfectly fine on the darkest of nights. The site was already roped off; it consisted of a twenty-foot square of dead grass on a chill October night, far away from everything human. Vampire Council members lined the rope on one side, some talking quietly to those beside them. I didn't listen in or give them more than a cursory glance, choosing instead to keep my revulsion over the whole thing from being noticed. Merrill made sure I was standing between him and Gavin behind an adjacent rope. Wlodek arrived after a bit, accompanied by Weldon and (to my surprise) Winkler.

"Lissa!" Weldon boomed before walking over and wrapping me in a bear hug, which aggravated Gavin. Gavin didn't get a greeting, but I wasn't surprised about that. He'd fooled everybody while watching Winkler and me. I hoped Winkler had somehow figured out that Gavin was keeping an eye on him over the recognition software he was developing. The fact that Winkler sold it exclusively to the NSA was our little secret.

"Good to see you, Grand Master," I nodded to Weldon after he let me go. Winkler grinned at me and frowned at Gavin, who displayed his usual unreadable expression.

"Honored one," Weldon turned to Wlodek, "it is my intention to allow my temporary Second to perform the execution." Weldon indicated Winkler.

"That is acceptable," Wlodek nodded to Weldon.

"It is also customary to my race for the one performing the execution to share the blood of the kill with a chosen member of the Pack if they so desire. Winkler wishes to bestow that honor upon Lissa."

Merrill stiffened beside me while I drew in a gasping breath. I didn't want any part of that, and I wasn't even sure what it was. No way did I want to share the blood of an executed half-human. No way.

"Lissa will accept this as the honor it is," Wlodek gave me a pointed look. Fuck. I was pulled inside the roped-off area and shown where to stand, which was in a corner with Weldon. My skin was shivering and I only wanted to curl up in a little ball. That wasn't an option so I stood as straight as I could next to Weldon, who placed an arm around my shoulders and hugged me a little. The first thing to happen after all the Council members quieted expectantly was Winkler's preparation to turn to wolf. He removed his clothing. Winkler should definitely pass his genes off to someone; he could have posed for a few nude statues. He stretched his lithe, well-muscled body a little before nodding to Weldon and turning to wolf. His wolf was huge and solid black; only his eyes gleamed golden in the sliver of moonlight shining down.

"We are ready for the prisoner," Weldon informed Wlodek. Wlodek nodded to an attendant vampire and Tate Briggs was brought forward, struggling between two Enforcers that I hadn't seen before. I almost buried my face against Weldon's side at that point.

Tate was naked, just as Winkler was before he changed. I imagined that if Tate were werewolf, he'd be making the change as well. Unfortunately, he was the half-human son of a werewolf-human mating, and they were unable to turn. He was also crying, which made things worse. The vampires and the werewolves all looked on, their masks in place, no emotion evident.

"Tate Briggs, you are sentenced to death, according to the Law of the Pack," Weldon spoke beside me, his voice measured and even. "You have threatened the Pack by exposing the Pack, attempting to destroy it for your own petty revenge. These acts are in violation of the Pack oaths you swore, not only to your father, but to me as well. Make your peace and prepare to die."

"Shut up, you f**ker!" Tate shouted, struggling against the two vampires who held him. He was placed inside the roped off area. Winkler was already growling at him.

"Let him go," Weldon said and the vampires released their prisoner. Tate screamed and ran but Winkler was already on him, savaging his body. He nearly ripped a leg off first, causing Tate to scream louder. An arm was completely severed next and blood was indeed flying. I think I was whimpering by that time. Winkler then ripped out Tate's belly, spilling intestines and bloody viscera across the dead grass. Lastly, Winkler snapped the head from the neck, allowing it to roll away. He changed to his human form quickly and before I knew what was happening, Weldon shoved me forward. I found myself staring at Winkler, whose mouth and face were drenched in blood. He also had an erection as he came to me, stunned as I was, lifted me in his arms, kissed me with the mouth that still held warm blood from Tate's death and humped his erection against me until he achieved release.

Winkler set me down when he was done and lifted his head to howl. Shocked beyond comprehension, I almost dropped to the ground. Weldon was behind me, holding me up. "Stand up, Lissa," Weldon whispered in my ear. I did my best to stand as steadily as I could. The scent of Winkler's se**n was all over me now, along with Tate's blood. Winkler was done howling after a minute or two and warm, wet towels were brought to him. He made a huge production over cleaning himself off. Someone should have warned me about this, I thought, only now beginning to feel exceptionally angry over the whole thing. Tate's body parts were gathered up in a body bag by Enforcers. Who knew where they would be taken? I certainly didn't. Winkler dressed once he'd cleaned himself up.

"You are welcome to stay at the manor," Wlodek was extending an invitation to the werewolves. I was likely gaping at Wlodek and Weldon, who were exchanging pleasantries while I, horrified and covered in blood and se**n, looked on in obvious disbelief.

"We have a place to stay; one of the local Packs has offered," Weldon nodded to Wlodek. "We appreciate your invitation just the same, Honored One." Wlodek hadn't expected them to accept; I could see it in his face, but he was obligated to offer anyway. I wanted to smack both of them, as furious and humiliated as I felt at that moment.

"Lissa, I would very much like to hear from my Pack member, now and then," Weldon turned me to face him. "You are an official member of the Dallas Pack, by permission of the Packmaster. You should check in with him from time to time as well." He smiled at me. He was giving Wlodek instruction by talking to me within Wlodek's hearing. Wlodek's face was unreadable as he listened.

"She is a member of the Dallas Pack, by the demand of the Packmaster," Winkler added. All right, I not only had his come all over me and the blood from his kill, but now he was ordering me to keep in touch. The colossal schmuck.