Page 80 of North Bound

‘The creatures we become are powerful. I’m sure you found that out with Nick and his magic. But some are more powerful than others. And I’m not talking about magic power. Krampus has been around for a long time. That’s a lot of history, a lot of legends and stories to overcome.’ Talen looks back at her. ‘At the time, I couldn’t control that side of the creature and here I am.’

‘I’m so sorry.’

He looks surprised by that. ‘For what?’

‘Just for everything you said. It must be horrible having to fight yourself.’

He nods and the smile he gives her this time is less scary. ‘Thank you. It’s been a long time since someone listened, let alone understood. I have control of Krampus now, but it took too long and at a great cost to myself. I have made many mistakes over the centuries, but I can assure you, as of now, I am not a threat to you, to Nick, or to anyone.’ He smiles a little. Or at least she thinks it's a smile. It’s difficult to tell when he’s got impressive fangs that keep making an appearance. ‘From what I have heard of Nick, he’s is quite the character. I have never heard of a more... unconventional Santa.’

Scarlett can’t help but laugh at that. ‘I agree. He’s far from what I expected too. Is that why someone is trying to kill him?’

‘Perhaps, but I believe it has more to do with his magic. He’s the most powerful of the legends. If his power could be harnessed and used by someone else, we’d all be in a lot of trouble.’

‘And that’s why they tried to keep him away from the workshop?’

Talen nods. ‘But it’s far from over.’ He gets up and goes into the next room, peering around the corner when she doesn't follow. ‘I need to show you something.’

She gets to her feet and follows him into a large room, lined with shelves of books. ‘The internet signal out here is less than reliable, so I’m forced to study the old fashioned way.’ He pulls a book down from the shelf and opens it, laying it on the table. Talen points to a paragraph of text. ‘It says here that his power can be harvested at certain times of the year, not just Christmas.’

‘Why don’t I like the sound of harvesting his power?’

‘Because it will kill him. You can harvest his power by taking it at Christmas if he’s not in the workshop. You stopped that plan by getting him home.’

‘And the other way?’

Talen sits on the edge of the desk and turns his glowing yellow eyes towards her. ‘If he is stabbed with his own sword, it will drain his power.’

‘His sword?’

‘Nick fights with a long sword.’

‘Of course he does! Why wouldn’t Santa have a sword!’

Talen smiles. ‘I am impressed at how accepting you are of all of this.’

‘I didn’t really have much of a choice when Santa crashed outside my house. I don’t know him for long, but I can’t see Nick leaving his sword lying around - especially if he knows it can be used against him.’

Talen nods in agreement. ‘True. Nick is cautious and would not take a risk like that. But I don’t believe he knows about this potential issue. I have never heard mention of it before. I do think his attacker will attempt to use his sword against him imminently. Nick only brings his sword out of its secure housing when he goes to fight. And this will only work if he is stabbed while in a weakened state.’

‘Which he is right now after the Christmas run,’ she finishes. ‘But he’s asleep. No one will be able to get to him.’

‘He won’t be asleep. Reve saw the Púca take you. Unfortunately he also saw me with you. I saved you from the Púca, but Reve did not witness that part.’

‘Oh. So why didn’t you give me to Reve?’

‘He was too far away. If I had left you, the Púca would have you now. I had no choice but to leave with you. Reve will have gone straight back and the rest of the team will be figuring out of way of waking Nick. It will be difficult, but possible. Then I have no doubt Nick will come for you. And me too unfortunately.’

‘But whoever is behind this doesn't have me. How are they going to get Nick to come to them?’

‘Nick isn’t aware the true culprit doesn't have you. That’s all that matters. He’ll go to them to get you, and then they’ll try to harvest his magic. I must find a way to get you back to Nick, before they capture him. I have no doubt once he knows you are safe, he will react, and we’ve both seen him in action.’

‘Hang on? You’ve been watching us? That’s how you know my name.’

Talen grins sheepishly and nods. ‘I apologise. Santa and Krampus were linked a long, long time ago. The connection still exists for me as my bond to Krampus is so strong. I felt Nick was in distress and came to assist. I miss being part of the team. I am embarrassed to admit I was hoping that if I helped him, perhaps he would...’ He stops talking and takes a deep breath.

Scarlett is struggling trying to match the creature she’s heard so many stories about with this torn... man in front of her. He may look like a monster, but he’s far from that. Under it all, he’s a lonely man.

Scarlett straightens and nods her head. ‘Fine. So what do we do?’