Nick finishes his thirdglass of water and focuses on the fire again. Creating the Christmas scene for Scarlett has taken the edge off. For now. But, it’s not going to go back to normal unless he gets home.
Scarlett groans as she eats another chestnut from the fire. ‘Seriously,’ she says around a mouthful of food. ‘These are freaking amazing. You got to try one.’
‘Don’t hate me, but I really can’t stand the things.’
‘How can you say that? What sort of a Santa are you, if you don’t even like chestnuts?’ She grins and takes another bite as she looks at him.
‘Clearly a terrible one.’
‘Clearly,’ she replies jokingly. Scarlett takes another bite and closes her eyes, groaning to herself.
The expression on her face is priceless. And absolutely beautiful. He’s not big headed by any means, but there’s something about that childlike wonder related to Christmas, that gets him every single time. It always did, but it increased tenfold when he signed the contract. His need to protect, to make sure everyone around him is safe, underpins everything he does, on both sides of his job.
Scarlett is so happy at this moment and it’s seriously rubbing off on him. Being able to do this for her, means more to him than he expected it would. He’s granted Christmas wishes before, far too many to begin counting. This time is so different.
Helping to bring her childhood Christmas’ back to life, has not only made her Christmas, but his too. Instead of being something he felt compelled to do because he’s Santa, the look on her face made him truly happy for the first time in far too long. Out of everything he’s going to do this Christmas, her face, when she saw what he’d brought to life, will be the highlight of his year.
Scarlett sits on the couch beside him and sips her coffee. ‘So, should I call you Nick or Santa?’
‘I prefer Nick.’
‘Is that your real name, or just what they call you because you’re... you know... Santa? Sorry. That still sounds so strange.’
‘Believe it or not, it’s my real name. Just a crazy coincidence.’
She turns to face him, tucking her legs under her. ‘Your eyes. I presume that’s something Santa related?’
‘Yeah. When I use my magic my eyes change. It doesn't freak you out, does it?’
‘Are you serious? I actually think they’re pretty stunning actually.’
He’s surprised to hear that. Over the years a few of the workers had commented that his white eyes freak them out. He’d kind of assumed everyone would think the same thing.
She takes another chestnut from the bowl. ‘Okay, I’m going to apologise in advance here, because there will be a lot of questions heading your way. I mean like lots, so be prepared.’