Page 124 of North Bound

'I told you to stop calling me that.'

She smiles at him, loving the way his eyes are whitening. She thought it just happened around Christmas time, but it seems his emotions affect the change too. 'And I told you I like irritating you.'

He leans over to speak in her ear. 'Naughty list all the way.'

'Oh give it a fucking rest, Santa,' Damon mutters from behind them. 'All this lovey dovey shit is making me sick. I need to hit something.’

'Then mind your own fucking business. Eat up! Time to get back to work.’

'So, ready to see who's going to win this bet?' Cobh asks.

'What bet?' Nick asks.

Cobh grins widely. 'Just the bet as to whether being a love-sick puppy will make you soft in the field.'

Scarlett laughs, stopping briefly when Nick glares at her. 'Are you all in on this?'

'Yep,' Jok says. 'Could earn myself a fair bit on this one.'

'I wouldn't count on it. And I wouldn't advise any of you get in my way, or there could be an accident.'

'Play nice, Santa,' Jok says. 'It's not good for team morale if the leader guts the other members.'

'Depends on who the other members are,' he replies.

The others laugh, while Nick turns his attention back to her. 'And I don't need you encouraging them. I've a hard enough time keeping them in line.'

'Just make sure you show them why you're in charge. I could earn myself a fair bit on it, if you do.'

He grins and pulls her close so he can kiss her. 'I'm assuming you bet on me instead of against?'

'Of course.'

'That's a relief!'

Their laughter dies away when Eve hurries into the room. She passes Nick a piece of paper which he reads, his frown deepening as the seconds tick by.

‘We’re heading out!’

He lifts Scarlett off his knee, then follows Eve back through the workshop, Scarlett’s hand firmly in his, while the rest of the team follow behind them. As they walk, Eve tells them about the job, but to Scarlett the whole thing sounds like a foreign language. All she picks up from it, is that something nasty is on the rampage, and Nick’s team has to stop it.

When they get to the main workshop floor, Nick turns to the rest of the team. ‘We ready to get this done?'

Scarlett steps to the side, as one by one, Nick's team checks in with him. It's quite a sight. A group of intimidating men, loaded with weapons, preparing to go into battle. When you take into account the roles each of these men play, it just makes the scene even more bizarre.

Nick beckons her over and kisses her. 'I’d better go.'

'See you when you get back.'

'It's a date. I’m looking forward to you washing my back for me.’

'I'll be waiting for you to show me why you're in charge.'

He groans softly as his eyes whiten. 'Too right you will.' He leans over to speak in her ear. 'You make sure you're ready. I want your pussy wet for me when I get home.'

'I think I can do that,' she says, already well on the way there.

He grips her chin and kisses her, his tongue pushing into her mouth. 'Good girl,' he whispers in her ear before joining the rest of the team. ‘I better let them out to play. I'll see you when I get back.'