Page 111 of North Bound

‘I know it’s a bit weird, given that I’ll be asleep for a lot of that time, but, I guess I’m hoping it’ll give you a bit of insight into what life is like in the workshop. And it’s not like I'll be leaving you alone. Eve will look after you. Kane too. It might give you a chance to see what you think, without me in your face confusing things.’

‘I’d love to!’


‘Of course!’

He wasn’t really expecting her to agree so quickly. Maybe if he’d asked the question last year, she would have given the same answer? Could have spared them both a lot of trouble.

‘You look a little surprised.’

‘I am, but in a good way. It’s the answer I was hoping for.’

He can’t help but laugh when she claps and gives him a tight hug. ‘I can’t believe I’m going back to your workshop. This is so freaking exciting!’

Nick couldn’t agree more. The thought of doing the Christmas run, then coming home to her, has him nearly as giddy as she is.

Scarlett pulls herwoolly hat over her head and walks outside. Nick is finishing loading her bags onto the sleigh, something she still laughs at, when she allows herself to think about it rationally. She’s going on holiday with Santa to Lapland in his sleigh! She barely believes it herself.

But when she’s faced with the man himself, larger than life beside his even larger than life sleigh, it’s hard to be anything other than freaking excited.

‘You got everything you need? If you’ve forgotten something, one of the guys can always pop back.’

‘No, I have everything.’

He walks over to her and wraps his arms around her shoulders. ‘You sure you want to do this? I won’t be offended if you’ve changed your mind.’

‘I’m going on holiday to Lapland with Santa! Why would I change my mind? I wouldn’t have written you that letter unless I was sure about you, about all this craziness that accompanies you.’

‘I love the way none of this seems to be fazing you.’

‘Don’t get me wrong. It’s completely crazy, but I want to do it.’ She runs her hand along the hilt of his sword, tucked into its sheath in the sleigh. She can still remember watching him using his sword, when he was fighting the Púca last year. It’s not an image she’s going to forget, or one that she wants to forget. Even injured and exhausted, Nick fought like no one she’s seen before. Not that she’d witnessed many guys swinging swords around the place too often. ‘I want to get to know you better - all sides of you.’ She taps the sword. ‘Even this one.’

‘That’s good, cause that’s the side of my job that takes up the most time. The Santa gig is just one night.’

‘Santa gig! Have you heard yourself?’

‘To be honest, I’d prefer we didn’t talk about anything to do with my contract. It sounds really stupid when I talk about it out loud to you. Anyway, you ready to head?’

‘I’ll just lock up, then I’ll be all set.’

She quickly rushes around the cottage, making sure everything is secured, then goes back outside to the sleigh. Nick helps her into the seat, while Kane takes one last look around, making sure everything is secure before they leave.

The Nutcracker hasn’t so much as said two words to her. She’s tried to get him to talk, but gets nothing back. She thought Nick took his job seriously, but Kane is in a whole other league. His attention is on Nick and nothing else.

Knowing he’s watching Nick, and her, when she’s around him, does help put her at ease. She just wishes the stoic man would talk every now and again.

Nick sits down beside her and takes her hand. ‘Thank you for doing this.’

‘Thank you for asking me to. Hey, does Kane ever talk?’ she asks, keeping her voice low as she looks around for the Nutcracker.

‘Rarely. He’s more of a seen rather then heard kind of a guy.’

‘Sounds like great fun. Is he going to be silent the whole way back to the workshop?’

Nick nods. ‘Absolutely. Besides, he hates travelling in the sleigh.’

‘He does? Why?’