Page 109 of North Bound

The letter may not have even reached him. Or he got it and decided not to come.

She shakes her head as she pulls the duvet back and climbs into bed. He wouldn’t just ignore the letter if he got it. Or at least she hopes he wouldn’t.

She turns off the bedside light and closes her eyes.

Then she hears something outside. She jumps out of bed and hurries over to the window, peering out into the night. Not that she’d be able to see anything out the window. It’s pitch black outside.

Scarlett opens the window and leans out. She could swear she heard bells. But there’s nothing there. No sleigh. No reindeer. And no Nick. She hangs out of the window for a good five minutes, desperately hoping to hear a bell, or see a massive sleigh in her driveway. But there’s nothing.

‘You’re going to catch a cold.’

Scarlett spins around and screeches when she sees Nick standing by the foot of her bed. She leaps into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. So much for remaining cool and dignified.

He holds her against him, the smell of cinnamon instantly hitting her. ‘Happy to see me?’

‘Eh, yes! How did you get in here? I locked the door.’

‘I might have come down the chimney.’

‘I love that! I can’t believe you came.’

‘You asked me to,’ he says, before kissing her. He even tastes the same.

When they finally come up for air, he puts her back on her feet and looks at her. ‘Still as fucking sexy as ever.’

‘Look who’s talking.’ It’s like time has stood still for Nick, which it probably has, considering he doesn’t age. He is every bit as gorgeous as he was the last time she saw him.

‘Fuck, Scarlett!’ He takes a step back and grins at her. ‘I missed these Snoopy pyjamas. You’re really spoiling me now.’

‘You got my letter?’

‘Got to admit, I had to convince myself to open it. Thought you were writing to tell me to keep away.’

‘Are you kidding me? It’s been the longest year ever.’ She takes his hands and guides him towards the door. ‘I want to show you something.’

She brings him downstairs and turns on the light. His gorgeous smile grows, when he sees the decorations covering every surface of the room. ‘Bit different to last year.’

‘Getting to know Santa kind of changed things for me. Please tell me the sleigh is in one piece this year?’

He laughs and opens the front door, pointing outside. She walks over to the door and smiles when she sees the huge sleigh complete with intimidating reindeer. ‘No more blowing up.’

‘Glad to hear it. So, is this a quick visit, or are you able to stay for a bit?’

He gathers her into his arms again, gently brushing her hair behind her ear. ‘I guess that depends on one very important question.’

‘What question?’

His eyes whiten as she looks at him. She’s forgotten how stunning it is when they do that. ‘What do you want for Christmas, Scarlett?’

‘That one’s easy. You, Nick. I want you.’