Page 108 of North Bound

‘Maybe.’ She squeezes his arms, then winks, before stepping back to lean on the sleigh again.

Looks like he’s on a losing streak with this. Even though a part of him would love nothing more than to tell them all to fuck off and storm back to his room, that’s not going to help the situation.

He pulls the letter out of his pocket, takes a deep breath, and opens it. Ignoring the fact he’s got too many people watching him, he forces himself to read Scarlett’s words.


I’m going to get straight to the point and leave out all the normal pleasantries you’d usually include when you write a letter. I’ve spent the last year trying not to think of you. I’ve tried to forget our time together over those crazy few days. Tried not to think about being with you.

But I can’t.

Even if you include all the craziness, it was still the best time I’ve ever had with someone. I miss you. I’ve missed you every day.

I know this is a busy time of year for you, but if you find yourself near my cottage again, it would make my Christmas to see you.

Oh, and just in case you haven’t figured this part out yet. Santa, for Christmas this year I want you.

Scarlett x

She wants to see him! He reads the letter again, just to make sure he isn’t imagining it.

‘I’ll take that stupid grin to mean she wants to see you?’

‘Yeah! She wants me for Christmas.’

He grimaces, as a cheer breaks out from his onlookers.

‘Oh fuck off the lot of you!’ he responds, unable to stop grinning. ‘Still doesn’t help me figure—’

‘Enough!’ Eve shouts, startling him into silence. ‘The figuring out bit will happen later. Go! Do the run and see Scarlett. I’ll get Kane to meet you there. One of the guys can bring him over. We’re not leaving you unguarded this year.’

He pulls Eve into a hug.

‘Boss. You’re hugging me. In public. Are you okay?’

Nick separates himself from her and straightens his coat. ‘Yeah. All good. I’d better go.’

‘See you in a few days then. I packed a bag for you just in case. It’s in the sleigh already.’

‘You packed a bag for me?’

She shrugs. ‘I was hedging my bets. Now go!’

He climbs into the sleigh, thankful when the reindeer don’t move again, throwing him on his ass. He takes the reins and settles back in the seat as the massive workshop doors open.

He still doesn't have the first clue how he can begin to have a relationship with Scarlett. But they’re both on the same page and, right now, that’s all that matters.

Scarlett decides againsthaving another glass of wine. It would be a complete waste for Nick to show up and have her off her face, drunk. Unable to sit still, she paces the living room, checking her watch every few minutes. How long does she give him? She’s already exhausted, but doesn't want to go to bed and risk missing him.

Which means she’s going to have to stay up for the next few days. Not the most intelligent idea she’s come up with. She could always sleep during the day. She doubts he’d bring the sleigh near here in the daylight.

If he even comes at all.

But what happens if he does come, and wants her to go back with him? She wants to be with him, or to give it a shot, but would he stay here, or would she go there?

She sits on the couch before getting to her feet again. It’s all well and good saying she wants to give things a go with Nick, but the small detail of him being a kick-ass Santa isn’t helping. It’s not turning her off though. Far from it.

She checks her watch again. It’s nearly two in the morning. He’s not coming. She tries not to get down about it. He could come tomorrow instead. She makes sure the fire is safe, then turns off the lights and climbs the stairs.