Page 106 of North Bound

‘I’m not planning on having a replay of last year.’

As he walks away from Talen’s room, he smiles wryly to himself. Would it be so bad if he did have a replay? He’d take the crash again, if it meant he could do it all over again with her.


It takes him a goodhalf hour to wash all the blood off his skin. The stuff is like glue, refusing to wash away easily. He had gone over Damon and Talen’s words in the shower. He can’t stop replaying their conversations in his mind.

He hadn’t realised how far he’d slipped.

Having it pointed out to him by both the Boogeyman and Krampus, made it all the more worrying. He steps out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. One of the banshee had hit him on the side, but the cut doesn't seem too bad. It’s still bleeding though, so he quickly bandages it and examines his appearance in the mirror. Apart from a few more scars, he looks exactly the same as last year. And the year before. And before that.

He’ll look forty-one, be forty-one, for another few decades if that’s what he wants. That’s another reason he’s not too keen on bringing Scarlett back here. He’d done a lot of research over the year. Anyone he’s in a relationship with, would be under the same contract he is. No ageing for them either. And that’s an even bigger ask than relocating out here.

Everyone she knows will grow old around her. All her friends will die, before she ages by even a day. It’s too much of an ask.

But it’s not necessarily something she needs to decide on straight away. She’s got to be at least five years younger than him?

Why is he even thinking about details like that?

He drops down on the bed, then opens the top drawer of his nightstand, taking out the letter. Without opening it, he knows it’s from Scarlett. No one else would have addressed the letter to Nick. He wasn’t expecting it. Hoped for it, but was still surprised when it arrived this morning.

He turns it over.

It’s still sealed. He can’t bring himself to open it. Scarlett wouldn’t have taken the time to write to him, if she wanted nothing to do with him. Unless she didn’t want him to even consider dropping in on her, when he does his run?

What if she says she’s taken the year to think, and decided it would be best if he stayed away? What if she says the opposite? What if she’s thought about it and wants to see how things go between them?

Both decisions terrify him, and that’s just ridiculous.

He still cares about her. That hasn’t changed or diminished over the year. Not that it helps him make any kind of decision. He runs his fingers over the cut on his stomach. Whatever about the whole Santa thing giving her problems, it’s the other side of his job that’s giving him the headaches, when it comes to Scarlett.

He turns the letter over in his hands, looking at his name on the front, before placing it back on the nightstand.

He’s going to do his trial run tonight as he always does. Kane and some of the others hadn’t been too keen on him having a replay of last year, but he needs to go. He always does it. The workshop had been on lock down for the last week, all sleighs checked on a daily basis, and Kane has been stuck to his ass for the month, which is driving him insane.

As he gets dressed, his attention keeps going back to the letter. He gets billions of letters every year, yet this one is scaring the hell out of him.