Page 104 of North Bound

If Damon is worried about him, that’s one hell of a wake up call. They may be friends, but Damon’s fondness for pain and suffering isn’t something they have in common. The Boogeyman has a firm hold on Damon. Nick knows that, and has known that for a while, but maybe the situation is worse than he thought.

He wanders outside, decapitating a few more banshee on the way out, then joins the rest of the team. Compared to the others, he’s definitely got more than his fair share of blood coating him.

‘Are we ready to head?’ Jok asks, wiping his bloody staff on his jeans.

‘Yeah,’ Nick says. ‘We’re done.’

He stands in front of Damon, closing his eyes, as his friend brings him home. A few days with her, and he’s still thinking about her a year later. Maybe Damon has a point. Maybe he’s running from something he should be running towards instead.

Nick paces outsidethe door. He’s been pacing for the last ten minutes, but that’s as far as he’s got. He doesn’t even know what he’s doing here. He arrived back from the mission and just walked. How he ended up here, he has no idea.

Fucking Damon!

This is his fault.

Everything was going just fine, until he brought up Scarlett. Okay, so maybe that’s not entirely true, but he could have done without him mentioning her.


He comes to a stop and looks over at Talen. Appears he’s been caught. ‘Hi.’

Krampus stands in the doorway to his room and looks in shock at him. ‘What in the world happened to you?’

Nick grimaces, and wipes at his blood stained t-shirt. He didn’t even think about getting cleaned up, before he came here. ‘Just got back from a job. Sorry, I can go and get changed.’

‘Don’t be silly.’ He smiles, which is slightly unnerving. Damn, his fangs are massive. ‘Do you want me for something?’


Talen leans on the door frame and just looks at him, which pisses Nick off for no reason. It doesn't take a lot for him to get pissed off lately.

The two of them keep up the weird silence for a ridiculous length of time. Nick came here to talk to him, so why isn’t he talking?

Talen steps aside and gestures for Nick to come into his room. He squeezes past Talen and stops in the centre of the room. Talen pulls one of the chairs he brought from his old house nearer to Nick, so he sits down.

Talen sits on the end of the bed and faces him. ‘I’m surprised to see you here, Nick.’

‘Yeah.’ He’s a joke. Leader of the team, yet for some reason, he can’t string a damn sentence together. Not that he has a clue what he wants to say in the first place. Or even why he’s here. Or what he’s doing with his life, full stop.

Actually, he’s a pathetic joke.

And it’s not helping that Talen is just sitting, looking at him.

‘Eve gave you records from my predecessors.’

It was meant to be a question, but comes out as an accusation instead.

‘She did. Is there something you need to know?’ Talen asks, not in the least bit fazed by Nick’s tone.

He can’t sit still, so gets up again, scrubbing his hand over his hair while he paces. ‘Damon thinks... actually, Eve too. Probably everyone, if I know the way this place works. They think I should... that Scarlett and I can... be together.’

Why can’t he get the damn words out?

Talen nods as he leans forward, clasping his hands together on his legs. ‘Quite a few of your predecessors have managed to fulfil their contract, while also maintaining a romantic relationship with someone not of our world. Is that what you are trying to ask?’

He drops back on the chair. ‘Yes, it is. I was doing a fucking dire job at it though.’

‘I understand why. It’s not an easy topic for you.’