Page 56 of Broken Rock

‘You done with your bowl?’

He doesn’t get a chance to answer before she stands up and takes it from his lap. Thankfully she heads towards the kitchen giving him time to readjust himself. Not that it does any good. Then she has to go and make things so much worse by leaning down to put the dishes in the machine. Tight jeans hug her incredible ass and long legs. No amount of readjusting is going to help.

What he wants to do is charge over to her, pick her up, lie her on the couch, and bury himself deep inside her. He wants to run his tongue over every curve, to taste the sweat on her skin. He wants to kiss her, lick her, suck her until she screams his name.

Instead, he’s going to struggle with a serious hard-on unable to convince himself to make the move he desperately wants to make. Deep down he’s terrified she’ll reject him. He doubts what’s left of his confidence could survive that. Not that sitting on the couch doing fuck all is helping in any way. He just feels like a pathetic eejit. He’s not sure what’s worse.


He wipes his face and looks up at her. ‘Sorry?’

‘Do you want more to drink?’

‘Eh, sorry, yeah. Another water would be great.’ He grabs a cushion from the chair beside him and hugs it to his lap, hoping it looks casual and not weird. He silently thanks his sister. She had insisted he have some cushions on the couches. Not until this moment did he see the need or the point of them. Maybe he could leave a review for them on Amazon. ‘5 stars. Perfect for hiding uncomfortable erections. Would definitely recommend!’

She passes him the drink and places her glass on the coffee table. ‘Where’s your bathroom?’

‘Door next to the bike’s bedroom.’

She smiles at him and his dick jumps in response, pressing painfully against his jeans. He waits until she closes the door behind her before he stands up and rearranges what is downright agonising. His piercings are digging into him, adding pressure to what’s already a far from comfortable situation. He needs to calm down. She might not want this with him after everything he offloaded on her tonight. She’s still here so clearly she doesn’t hate him, so what the fuck is his problem?

He looks down at his arm and grimaces. Since the life changing events after Christmas he hasn’t felt like himself. From the second that needle was stuck in his arm he’s been messed up. When he woke up in hospital, everything had turned on its head. It was like the world kept turning, everyone went on with their lives but he was on a different level of existence. Until he deals with that and gets his head right he really should keep away from Chloe.

The bathroom door opens and he glances up. ‘Fuck, Chloe.’

Instead of the figure-hugging jeans and off the shoulder sweater he’s wanted to take off all evening, she’s only wearing matching black lace underwear. If he’s looking for a hint she may want him, he’s pretty sure that’s a good sign.

‘Is that a good fuck or a bad one?’

He gestures to the bulge desperate to escape his jeans. ‘What do you think?’

She smiles but it’s more mischievous than the one he’s used to seeing. As if reading his mind, she walks over to the rug in front of the fireplace and kneels down. ‘I think it’s your turn to get a little more naked.’

He absolutely couldn’t agree more.

Chloe has no idea where all this confidence is coming from but she’s happy to go along with it. When Gregg came to collect her she had taken a long time to decide if she should plan for what might possibly happen. The underwear had gone in and out of her bag a dozen times before she had finally stuffed the set in her purse and zipped the bag so she couldn’t take them out again.

Over the evening she thought she caught little signs he wanted more but she kept dismissing them. But when she took his empty bowl from his lap, she knew it was what he wanted. The poor guy had tried to hide it, but it was all the confirmation she needed.

She’d take the lead on this. For the first time in her life, she’d make the first move. It was the most terrifying and exhilarating thing she’s ever done. When she locked herself in the bathroom she’d stared at her reflection for a long time before she got the courage to get undressed and slip into the lace set. Knowing he was out there, waiting for her was such a turn on. Seeing him in front of her just upped that to dangerous levels.

As he approaches her, he kicks off his boots and socks. Then he pulls off his t-shirt and Chloe’s heart hammers in her chest. When his jeans and boxers drop she realises she may have bitten off more than she can chew. Everything about this man is seriously impressive.

Then she notices the piercings and she loses a little of her nerve. She’s never been with a guy who’s been pierced down there. Not only does he have the thick black ring piercing the tip, there’s also a bar on the underside near the base where his penis meets his balls.

Tate notices her staring at the two piercings. ‘I can take them out if you want.’

She shakes her head. ‘Don’t you dare. Lie down.’

He raises an eyebrow but she doesn’t back down. She’s on a confidence high and wants this to play out like she pictured it. This is something she wants to do for him first. He lowers onto the rug and lies on his back, giving her an unobstructed view of every inch of his body. She gets to her hands and knees and slowly crawls towards him.

She doesn’t know whether he should have his body on show all the time or whether it’s a good thing he covered it. Every single line, every dip and hollow, every ridge and solid muscle is perfect. And naked. So very naked.

She runs her fingers up his chest and he sucks in a breath. ‘Put your arms over your head and keep them there. No touching, okay. This is my meet and greet.’

Tate smirks at her. ‘Meet and greets don’t usually go like this.’