Page 46 of Broken Rock

He’s also made things so much worse for himself. Now he knows what she feels like, what she tastes like, and he wants more. And for once it’s not for selfish reasons. Like everything else in his life until recently, sex had been about what he could get from it. It wasn’t like he just laid back and did nothing. There had been no complaints, but everything he did was done so whoever he was with would return the favour. When he was with Chloe, his only thought was making sure he looked after her. He didn’t give a damn if she touched him or not.

He walks over to the rack of guitars against the far wall and picks one up. He can either wallow in equal doses of self-pity and self-loathing, or kick his ass back into shape. Tate sits down and runs his thumb over the strings. No time like the present to see if he can still play the damn thing. He closes his eyes and tries to let his mind go blank, just focusing on the chords which come back surprisingly quickly even after five months of being ignored.

Time to stop putting off getting his life back. Delaying things isn’t helping anyone. He needs to get back to work and so do the guys. At least if he’s locked away in the studio, he’ll have a near constant distraction from thoughts of Chloe.


Chloe positions thelaptop on her knee and practises her smile in the reflection. There’s no way her gran is going to buy that sorry excuse for a smile. As soon as she sees her face she’ll know somethings wrong. Most of the last three days had been spent trying not to think about Tate. It was a lost cause. The fight with Tate had replayed over and over in her head as the hours stretched on.

Had she over-reacted? Maybe. Okay, he may not have technically told a bare-faced lie, but he hadn’t been entirely honest with her either.

Then again, how would she have expected that introduction to go? He was hardly going to tell her his name and follow it with the fact he’s a famous singer. He told her he was a musician. He told her he sings. Was it her fault for not recognising him?

Hence the sleepless nights. This whole mess is far from simple and neither is the solution. If there is one. The way she had left things with him was pretty final.

Chloe rests her head on the table and groans to herself. Has she made a massive mistake? She looks at her phone and the picture of Tate staring back at her. His deep blue eyes bore into her from the screen. He really is absolutely gorgeous... which shouldn’t even be a factor.

She turns her phone over. Damn man is everywhere. Her computer signals an incoming video call. Time to put on the performance of her life. She straightens her hair again and smiles as she taps the answer icon.

Her gran’s face appears on the screen and she can’t hold back the smile. ‘Hello, dear. See, I told you I’d be able to figure this technology stuff out.’

‘It’s good to see you. Are you enjoying your holiday?’

Her gran makes a face. ‘It’s okay. You know how I hate being fussed over though. I have to say I’m looking forward to getting back to my own house. So, are you going to tell me what’s wrong?’

‘There’s nothing wrong.’

‘Try again, dear. What’s happened?’ Chloe considers lying, but her gran crosses her arms and gives her one of her knowing looks. So Chloe tells her everything. When she’s done, she actually feels a little better, not by much, but any improvement is still an improvement.

‘What do you plan to do now?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Don’t try to pull the wool over my eyes. I may be old but I can see you still like Tate. Quite a bit I would imagine.’

‘But he lied to me.’