Page 37 of Broken Rock

‘You loved every second of that, didn’t you?’

He smiles down at her, sending Chloe’s heart on a free fall. ‘I missed it. It’s been a long time since I’ve had it out.’

He holds out his hand to help her step onto the path that runs down the side of the cliff and doesn’t let go. And Chloe doesn’t want him to. She could get used to this Tate. She knows whatever is hurting him is still there, but if he can get some true happiness from moments like this, it’s bound to help him.

She’s never been like this around anyone before. Something about Tate knocks her off balance and she’s scared, but not of Tate himself. Even with whatever is bothering him deep down, she feels safe with him. It’s everything else she knows about him that’s scaring her. He’s so opposite to her in so many ways. Maybe in too many ways.

He’s a gorgeous, tattooed, and pierced musician who rides a motorbike. What could he possibly see in her? She’s not putting herself down, just being realistic. Surely she can’t be his type. Then again, maybe he doesn’t see her like that. Maybe she’s just someone to talk to... or not to talk to. He’s not exactly overly chatty. Whatever his reasons for wanting to spend time with her, she knows he could so easily hurt her and not even know it. That’s the part that’s scaring her. She likes him more than she should and certainly more than the sensible side of herself thinks she should.

They get to the cliff edge and Chloe covers her mouth with her hands. On the ground in front of the brightly painted summer house is a picnic blanket with an impressive array of nibbles laid out.

‘Did you do this?’

‘My mum’s friend lives further along the track. I asked if I could bring you here for a picnic and she insisted I let her arrange the food. She wasn’t bowled over when I mentioned I was planning a few sandwiches and a packet of crisps.’

‘What’s wrong with that? Sounds like every picnic I’ve ever had.’

He smiles widely at her. ‘Thank you. That’s exactly what I said to her. Anyway, she didn’t agree so she sorted all this out.’

‘It looks amazing.’

‘Probably best we get stuck in.’

They sit down and Tate takes the covers off the various containers and plates. He hands her a glass and fills it with lemonade. ‘Cheers.’

She taps her glass against his and sips her drink. She seriously doubts he’d go to this much trouble unless he at least liked her.

Tate looks out at the sea and smiles to himself. This went better than he thought. He’d never done anything like this before. Romance and him didn’t quite gel, but he wasn’t going to back down from the challenge. He’d made a right tit of himself every other time he’d seen her. The fact she even agreed to this after his disaster of an invitation was a miracle. One he wasn’t going to waste. It was time for her to meet the real him. Well, the real non-celebrity him.

He glances over at her and a knot forms in his stomach. Her long dark curly hair is tied back in a low ponytail with shorter strands framing her face. Her long neck is exposed and begging to be kissed. Through the unassuming t-shirt and jeans, he can make out every curve of her body and he loves what he sees. Having her sitting tight against him on the way up here was torture. The feel of her hands on his stomach, of her body against his made it damn difficult to concentrate. Everything about her makes it difficult to concentrate.

She stretches her legs out in front of her. ‘It’s beautiful up here. Do you come here often?’

He nods. ‘Grace lets us use it whenever we want. First time for something like this though.’


‘Really. I usually come here alone to write or get away for a bit. It’s a great thinking spot.’

‘I can see why. I could get lost up her for hours. Just me and my sketchpad.’

‘That my cue to go?’

‘You can stay a little longer. If you go I’ll have to eat the rest of this food. If you stay, I’ll be polite and limit myself.’

Tate laughs at that. ‘Forget being polite, go for it.’

‘So,’ Chloe asks as she piles salad onto her plate, ‘I know you said you’re staying with your parents for a bit but where do you live when you’re on your own?’

‘Blackrock. I’m hoping to move back soon. I got used to living by myself. Going back to living by their rules under their roof is wearing a little thin.’

‘I know what you mean. I’m in between places right now. I’m just glad Gran is away for a few weeks. She can be a little eccentric.’

‘Dorothy? Hell, she’s more than a little eccentric. I mean that in a nice way, believe it or not. She’s crazy but in all the best ways.’

Chloe laughs at that. ‘I don’t think I could have described her better myself. How long have you been staying with your parents?’