Page 21 of Broken Rock

His frown deepens. ‘What?’

Chloe grimaces. That last sentence was absolutely meant to stay in her head. ‘Nothing. I better let you go. Thanks for your help, Tate.’

Tate pulls himself back on the horse, then shakes his head and turns around to face her again. ‘You better let me take you home. It looks like it’s about to lash.’ As if waiting for him to utter the words, the heaven’s open, quickly soaking into her sweatshirt. ‘Can you ride?’

‘Well, I sat on a horse once when I was a kid. I really don’t think you’d classify that as riding.’ She looks up at his horse and isn’t so sure she even wants to attempt trying to climb up on its back.

He points to the back of the pickup. ‘Get into the load bed.’ She climbs up and Tate brings the horse closer to the truck then holds out his hand. Chloe hesitates for a second then places her hand in his. ‘Stand on the back of my leg and I’ll pull you up’. He bends his leg back and Chloe climbs up while he helps by lifting her. She’s suitably impressed and unbelievably relieved when she gets her leg over the horse’s wide back without flying off the other side or landing against Tate.

‘Put your arms around my waist and don’t let go.’


Tate looks down atChloe’s small hands resting against his stomach. This day is certainly heading in a different direction than the way it started. He wanted a few hours to himself before going back to the house and putting on a performance for his parents for the rest of the day. Bumping into an attractive trespasser wasn’t on his to-do-list.

The land that runs the length of the beach belongs to his parents. He’d bought it for them when he paid off the house a few years ago.

They have no issue with people using the beach whenever they want, but for some reason finding her there had completely thrown him. He’s used to occasionally meeting locals walking their dogs but no one like her before.

The rain picks up, soaking through his navy hoodie, but he doesn’t care. Chloe presses tighter to his back as Jove steps down onto the sand.

‘What’s his name?’ Chloe asks.


‘The horse.’

He glances over his shoulder at her. ‘Jove.’

‘Roman God of the sky and thunder. You like mythology?’

‘I was really into it when I was a kid. The name just seemed to suit him. You said you’re not local. Where are you from?’

‘I’m actually from the area years ago but have been moving all over the country my whole life. I spent the last year in Alaska. My uncle got a crazy idea to live off-grid in the wilderness a few years ago. He had a nasty fall and refused to stay in hospital while he recovered. I decided what the hell. I had nothing else planned, so I moved in with him for a few months. I ended up staying just short of a year.

‘I came back to Wicklow to spend some time with my gran before I settle into my new career in a few months. She’s visiting my aunt so I’ve got the place to myself for a bit. Absolute bliss. I can’t tell you how amazing it was to have a shower with hot running water I didn’t have to pull from a well and heat over the stove. And don’t get me started on the toilet situation.’ It feels like she hits her head against his back. ‘Sorry TMI.’