Page 15 of Broken Rock

‘Mum, I told you I’ve got some designs I need to get finished for tomorrow. I really can’t stay.’

‘Just stay for lunch, please.’

Tate puts a stop to this before it gets more uncomfortable. ‘It’s fine, Mum.’ The last thing he wants is what’s already going to be an awkward lunch made so much worse by forcing Bria to stay. It’s glaringly obvious she’d prefer to be anywhere else but here.

Their mum smiles and nods at Bria. ‘Drive carefully. I’ll call you later.’

Bria glances over at him before getting into her car and driving away. Becca links arms with Tate and guides him towards the house. ‘She’s really busy at work.’

Tate nods but isn’t fooled for a second. Bria is pissed off with him, or angry at him, or disappointed in him, or embarrassed by him. She can take her pick, there’s enough to choose from.

Gregg grabs his bag from his hand before he can stop him and disappears into the annex while Tate is directed to sit on the couch. He parents sit opposite him and look about as uncomfortable as he feels. If this is the shape of things to come, he’ll last till the morning before he does a runner.

‘Do you want anything to drink?’

‘Mum, I’m grand really.’

She smiles and clasps her hands together. ‘I’ll check on lunch.’

His dad waits until she’s out of earshot before he speaks. ‘Thanks for agreeing to stay here for a bit. I’m sure it’s not what you want.’

‘It’s grand.’

Rick snorts and shakes his head. ‘Of course it is. Your mum is just worried about you. Give her a week or two to see you’re doing okay, then you can make your escape.’

‘Right. How is she?’

Rick pauses and blows out a long breath. ‘She’s better than she was. Having you here will help.’

‘She can’t keep an eye on me forever.’

‘Just give her a few weeks, Tate. That’s all I’m asking.’

He nods but isn’t fully on board with staying here for a few weeks. ‘How’s Jove?’

His dad laughs loudly. ‘That horse and you are too similar. He’s a stubborn git too.’

Tate has to laugh at that. Jove was definitely temperamental at the best of times. ‘I might take him out later.’

‘He’d appreciate that. Dara’s been riding him once or twice a week, but he could do with a good run.’


‘Yeah. Himself and Eric have been spending a fair bit of time here. Helped to distract your mum from worrying about you. Dara offered to take Jove around the paddock. He wouldn’t risk setting him lose on the beach but at least he got some exercise. He helped out a little around the farm too when he was free. I was missing those muscles of yours around the place, but don’t worry. There’s still plenty of jobs for you to get stuck into when you’re up to it.’

Tate nods, but isn’t overly thrilled to know his cousin had been anywhere near his horse. Then again, it’s not like he was in a position to do anything about it. Why should Jove suffer because of his stupidity?

With the growing pressure of his fuck-up weighing down on him he stands up and points to the annex door. ‘I’ll go unpack before lunch.’ He makes his escape and closes the door behind him.

Gregg steps out of the bathroom and wipes his wet hands on his jeans. ‘Hey. You needed to escape already?’

Tate shrugs out of his leather jacket and flops onto the bed. ‘I feel like I’m under a fucking spotlight.’

Gregg lies down beside him and crosses his arms. ‘Give it a few hours and everything will be back to normal.’

‘Our albums are gone.’
