Page 132 of Broken Rock

Gregg drapes his arm around Tate’s shoulder as they watch Dillon push his bike out the patio doors. ‘You good?’

‘Yeah. Glad to get it all out.’

‘Things can only get better from here buddy. You’ll see.’ He playfully punches Tate in the stomach before he walks into the kitchen. ‘Chloe, I’ll bring you to the deli when this lot have fucked off. We can get lunch ready. I’m bloody starving.’

Tate drops down onto the couch beside Chloe and blows out a long breath. It feels like an immense weight had been lifted from his shoulders. The last few days have taken it out of him, but he feels a hell of a lot better than he has for a long time.

Chloe leans against his arm and hugs him close. ‘I’m unbelievably proud of you.’

‘I should have said something a long time ago. I just didn’t... I didn’t know what I was remembering, and I was terrified I’d scare you all off.’

‘I’m not going anywhere. None of us are.’ She kisses him then smiles as she looks up at him. ‘Go. Have fun. You deserve it.’

‘I feel bad leaving you here.’

‘Don’t. I could do with a break from you lot. Living under the same roof as four rock stars has been a little... trying at times. Go. Blow off some steam. I’ll have lunch ready when you get back.’

Tate kisses her then slips on his jacket and takes his helmet from the cupboard. Dillon and Luke are already on their bikes with the engines running when he goes outside. Tate swings his leg over the saddle and puts on his helmet. He starts the engine and smiles when the Kawasaki roars to life.

As Tate follows Dillon and Luke out the gate he glances over his shoulder. Chloe is standing in his doorway smiling at him. She blows him a kiss and he’s glad she can’t see his stupid grin under the helmet.

Chloe walks into the playground with her class. The last three days had gone better than she could have imagined. The children were amazing, and she quickly settled into her new job. As the parents come forward to collect their children she spots someone on the far side of the road. He’s sitting on the bonnet of his truck wearing a cap and sunglasses to hide his face. She smiles when she notices some of the mums glancing over at him. He really needs to work on his disguise.

As the last child heads home, he slides off the bonnet and crosses the road. He leans on the stone wall surrounding the playground and takes off his glasses. ‘Ms Quinn. How was your day?’

‘It was so good, Tate. I think I’ve finally found a job I like doing. Better late than never, I guess. And the other teachers are so nice.’

He smirks and waves over Chloe’s shoulder. ‘I can see that.’

She looks around to see four of her colleagues waving at them. ‘Oh my God. Do you have to do that wherever you go?’

‘Do what?’

She gestures over her shoulder. ‘That. I could really do without my colleagues looking at you that way.’

‘You want me to go and say hi?’

‘No I don’t. You didn’t have to collect me. I was planning on getting the bus.’

‘Fuck that. I’m taking you to lunch then we are going back to my house to work off lunch until we have to go to dinner with my parents.’

‘Oh and let me guess. Then back to yours to work off dinner.’

‘Absolutely. So are you ready to go yet?’

‘Stop distracting everyone and go back to your truck. I’ll just grab my bag.’

When she comes back out and climbs into the truck he’s frowning at his phone. ‘Is everything all right?’

‘So, I just got a call from my lawyer.’

Her stomach drops a little. ‘And...’

‘And it’s all done and dusted. I’m free as a bird.’

‘Really? They’re not going to do anything to you?’