Page 53 of Broken Rock

‘I’d be okay with that, if that’s what you want. Are you sure?’

Chloe smiles at him. ‘I appreciate you trusting me enough to tell me all that, but if it’s all the same with you, I’d like to stay.’

He frowns across at her, clearly not believing a word she’s saying. ‘Right. If you’re sure. I mean don’t worry about hurting my feelings or anything like that. I’ll leave the room so you can make your escape in private.’

‘Would you shut up? I heard every word you said and I’d like to stay here with you. Now, you mentioned you make a killer bolognese.’

While Tate gets dinner ready, Chloe sits on the incredibly comfortable leather couch sipping a sparkling water. He had offered to go out and get her some wine, but the last thing she wants to do is jeopardise his recovery by bringing alcohol into his house.

She told him that she heard everything he said to her upstairs, but that doesn’t mean she understands any of it. Far from it. But she’s not going to condemn him for making a mistake... or several mistakes. Big mistakes. Life threatening mistakes. The part she needs to focus on is that he realised he had a problem and he got help.

‘Do you like a lot of garlic or a little?’

Hoping for even a kiss later she tells him a little will be fine. Nothing like garlic breath to kill the moment. The spectacular view from the upstairs studio pales in comparison to the well-built, tattooed, beyond gorgeous rock star crushing garlic in the kitchen a few feet from her. Definitely an image for next year’s celebrity calendar.

The man has an irritating habit of teasing her without having to do much. Each time she sees him he has a little more skin on show. He’d changed into a short-sleeved t-shirt which gives her another peek at the enormous griffin that covers most of his left arm, chest, and back.

Since that mind-blowing encounter in the summer house, she’s wondered what it would be like to have more with him. She’s never felt that with anyone before. That raw need she experienced with him is something she wants to feel again. She blushes when she realises he’s talking to her.


‘You sure you’re okay about being here? You’ve got this strange look on your face.’

‘Sorry, I was just admiring your house.’ More like admiring its owner, but she’ll keep that part to herself. ‘How long have you lived here for?’

He stirs the garlic in the pan and takes a drink of juice. ‘About a year I think. I was living in a flat with Gregg but once he joined the band we decided it was best to go it alone. When you spend months on the road with someone the last thing you want to do is have your down time with them too. We each needed space.’

‘I like Gregg. He’s... uncomplicated.’

Tate smirks and nods in agreement. ‘That’s a good way of describing him. He’s a good mate. All the guys are.’

‘I suppose you’d have to be close for it to work.’ She looks at the wall beside the kitchen showing photos of Tate with the band and his family. Right in the centre is a picture of Tate on his motorbike. ‘Is your bike here or at your mum’s house?’

He looks over at the photos. ‘She’s in the downstairs bedroom.’

‘Say that again?’

He grins and tips the mince into the pan. ‘Third door from the left under the stairs.’

‘You keep your bike in the spare room?’

‘Too right I do.’

Chloe gets up and opens the double doors into the room. Sure enough, there’s the impressive bike, sitting at the foot of the double bed. ‘You not tuck it in at night?’

‘Of course not. That would be ridiculous.’ He joins her at the door and shrugs. ‘It’s safer in here than in the garage. I’m a control freak, remember?’

Tate swings his leg over the saddle and something tightens around Chloe’s throat at the sight of him on the machine. He pushes back in the saddle and pats the seat in front of him. Chloe slips in front of him and lets him place her hands on the handlebars. Tate leaves his hands over hers, trapping her between his arms and his chest. Not an unpleasant experience. He leans closer and she can feel his breath on her ear. ‘It suits you. I could give you lessons.’

‘I think I’ll pass.’

‘Good. I kind of liked having you behind me. Wouldn’t want to kiss that goodbye just yet.’

‘So I can look forward to more outings on this?’

His fingers lace with hers on the handlebars as his hair brushes the side of her face. ‘Loads more. Like I said, I liked the feel of you pressed against me.’