Tate breathes a loud and obvious sigh of relief when his dad joins them at the sink and Eric disappears into the living room.
‘Picture of the bean?’
Tate smirks. ‘You got it too?’
His father nods. ‘I was always terrible at figuring out what’s what in those scan photos. I remember with Bria and Shane I couldn’t tell if I was looking at the top or the bottom.’ He ruffles Tate’s hair like he’s done ever since he was a kid, ignoring Tate when he swipes his hand away. Rick grins as he grabs a bottle of wine and joins the others in the living room.
There aren’t any scans or baby photos of Tate. Well, not with this family anyway. The Archers adopted him when he was seven.
He always felt like he didn’t fit with the ideal image some of the extended family had in their minds. He hadn’t been the best academically and found himself in trouble more times than he would have liked. Part of it was acting up, trying to find his place in his new family. Part was genuine struggle.
When he joined their family, he was so far behind all the other kids. He caught up eventually. Hell, he’d more than caught up, but those initial years of suspensions and visits to the principal’s office had remained at the front of some of his relative’s memories.
So he took to the role of black sheep with enthusiasm.
His choice of career, his tattoos and piercings, his lifestyle... it was all commented on. They’d never said it to his face, but his parents had told him some of the remarks. At least he won’t have to see any of them until this time next year. Something to look forward to.
He grunts as his two nieces barrel into his legs, each one clinging onto him and squeezing tightly. He bends down and picks one up in each arm. ‘Should you two still be up?’
‘No,’ Shane replies. ‘It’s way past their bedtime.’
‘We can’t sleep until Uncle Tate sings.’
‘Ah now, we talked to you about this. He’s been singing for the last few weeks. He probably wants a break.’
‘Ignore your Dad. Of course I’ll sing. There should be a guitar in the annex. Can you grab it and bring it to the living room? I’ll be there in a few minutes.’
Both girls cheer and squirm to be released. ‘Do not drop the guitar!’ Shane shouts after them, but they’ve already disappeared into the crowd. ‘Please say it’s not an expensive one.’
Tate shakes his head. ‘It’s just a cheap one I keep here for entertaining the masses.’
‘You don’t have to do this.’
‘Are you kidding? Those girls are my biggest fans. The least I can do is sing a few songs for them.’
After singing quite a few songs accompanied by Gregg, Shane, Bria, and other random family members, Tate escapes outside to get some fresh air. He closes the door behind him and blows out a long breath as he checks his watch. Just past eleven. Most of the family had left for the night, but there were a few stragglers not willing to bid goodnight to the free food and drink just yet.
He zips up his jacket and sits on the tailgate of his Ford Raptor. He lies back in the load bed and rests his head on his hands as he listens to the waves crashing on the beach in front of the house. He missed the sound of the sea when he was away. Missed the comfort it gave him. His life was brilliant, and he wouldn’t change a thing, but it did take over.
He’s not proud of it but he’d fallen prey to the lifestyle over the last few years. Drink and drugs had helped keep him going through the long hours on the road followed by performing, then countless interviews and photo shoots. It wasn’t something that controlled him in any way, but, at times like this, with his whole fucking family in the house, he wishes he had something other than beer to take the edge off.
The rhythmic comforting sounds of the waves mixes with his exhaustion and he dozes off for a moment, only to be rudely awoken by someone coughing loudly beside his car.
‘No bed to go to?’
Tate opens his eyes and looks up at his cousin, Dara. ‘Must have nodded off.’
‘Doesn’t look too comfortable.’
Tate groans and pulls himself up. ‘It’s not.’
Dara hands him a pile of post. ‘Your mum asked me to give this to you in case she forgets. You not updated your address?’
‘Only for the important stuff. This is junk. Congrats on the baby, by the way.’
‘Cheers. I presume Dad showed you the scan picture.’
‘He did. He seems pretty excited.’