Page 47 of Broken Rock

Her gran snorts. ‘I wouldn’t be so quick to label what he did lying as such. From what I hear, everything else you’ve told me about him is the real Tate.’

‘How long have you known him?’

Her gran makes a face. ‘Since he was a kid I suppose. I think he was seven or eight when they adopted him so I suppose I’ve known him for about twenty-seven years.’

‘He’s adopted? I didn’t know that.’

‘Oh yes. I don’t know much about that though. I know they wanted more children after Shane but were told they couldn’t. It took some time for the adoption to go through but they were finally able to bring Tate home. Then a few years later they fell pregnant with Bria. Strange how life works out.

‘Anyway, what I was trying to say is that Tate... he didn’t change when he became well known. I don’t know how he did it, but he didn’t let the fame go to his head. He was still the same Tate. Still dressed the same. Still had the same friends. Still came back to see his family every single chance he got. He even gave me piano lessons when he was back.’

‘Hold on. You never said he’s the one who’s been giving you lessons.’

‘I just did. Quite an impressive claim to fame I think - having Tate Archer teach me piano. I think deep down he misses all that.’

‘Misses what?’

‘He’s a teacher, like you.’

‘Excuse me?’

‘Oh yes. He went to some music college or other after school. He’s a highly qualified music teacher of piano and guitar. I think he has some fancy degree or something like that. He’s an incredibly talented musician. Very natural teacher too.’

‘I didn’t know that.’

‘I know he wasn’t entirely straight with you and if I was there I’d give him a slap for it, but I understand why he did it.’

‘You do?

‘Of course. I know he loves what he does, but there are few eligible women around here who don’t know who Tate is. Then you come along. I’m not surprised he wanted to keep that side to himself, but believe me, you have met the real him. He’s an incredibly sweet, thoughtful, caring man.’ Her face drops a little. ‘He is going through a bad patch. Again, I’d give him a slap for that too. Stupid boy. All I’m saying is that if you like him and it’s the fact he was a little reserved about his job that is stopping you, maybe that’s a little harsh. He’s a good one, Chloe.’

‘I do like him, Gran.’

‘Of course you do. So, why are you still talking to me? Shouldn’t you be contacting him?’

‘I don’t know how to. We always just sort of bumped into each other. I’ve already been to the beach and he’s not there.’

‘Leave it with me.’

‘Gran, what are you going to do? Please don’t call him yourself.’

‘I don’t have his number, but I do know how to get him. Stay by your phone. I’ll see if I can track him down.’


‘I won’t embarrass you, I promise. Trust me. I’m going to hang up now. Stay by your phone.’

Chloe paces the living room, her mobile firmly in her hand. She checks the screen again. Still nothing. How long does it take for her gran to ring whoever she was ringing? Maybe they’re busy. Maybe she had to leave a message and they won’t get back for hours. It’s only been an hour so far. She can’t wait hours. She’ll drive herself crazy.

She nearly drops the phone when it rings. ‘Gran?’

‘I’m still working on it. It appears Tate is gone.’

‘Gone? What do you mean he’s gone?’

‘According to my friend who is friends with his mother, he’s gone back to his own house and straight back to work. When he’s in the studio he’s pretty much out of contact. I haven’t given up though. There’s one more person to try.’