Page 120 of Broken Rock

‘He’ll be fine. I’m worried about you right now. You’re collateral damage and I’m going to do whatever I can to help you. You can trust me, okay? I’ve been dealing with Tate since he was signed. I know what I’m doing.’

Chloe nods, but doesn’t feel reassured in any way. She’s worried about Tate, but right now he comes second to this story being released.

Tate pulls open the door and storms out to his truck. Chloe went for a walk about ten minutes ago. Can’t blame her for wanting to get away from him. At least Bria and Luke had tagged along too in case she ran into any unwanted media attention. As much as he’d like to chase after her and sort things out, he’s not in the right frame of mind. He’s fucking furious and until he gets that under control he’s best to keep away from everyone.

They’re all going to lose it with him, but he needs to get away for half an hour. Tate reverses out of the shed and his tyres spin on the gravel as he accelerates away. Chloe’s words are on constant fucking replay in his head and he can’t shut them off. It didn’t help that she was right. He had made the choice to risk his career and his life months ago. She didn’t. All she had done was spend time with him. And how had he repaid her? By tearing a huge fucking hole in her life. Great way to show someone you love them.

He slams his head against the headrest.

He loves her.

He was going to tell her how he felt about her. Had this whole romantic evening planned. Instead he got arrested. Great timing as usual. Whoever has it out for him deserves a fucking medal for perfect timing. Every time he thinks he’s getting things on track, he’s punched in the gut again. This last blow had been a knock-out. He won’t be getting back up again.

He heads away from Newcastle, driving nowhere in particular. All he knows is that he needs to get away from everyone. Fifteen minutes later, he weaves his truck through the traffic in Wicklow town and drives down to the harbour. He parks well away from everyone else, opens the window, and watches the trawlers and pleasure boats in the water.

He can’t forget the look on Chloe’s face when she begged him to help. There is only one thing he can do. Ellen is probably going to quit when she finds out, but he can’t let Chloe’s life be destroyed because of him. Fuck his own career, hers was far more important.

So he does the only thing he can think of. He fires a message to a contact at the paper running Chloe’s story and, in exchange for sitting on the story about Chloe, tells him he’ll give them an exclusive statement detailing his dramatic fall into drugs and rehab and his recent arrest.

He had to give them something juicy enough to leave Chloe out of it. So what if everyone knows he was weak and let the lifestyle draw him in. So what if they knew he partied too much and took things too far. Either way, his career would take a hit. Probably a terminal one. He’d prefer he took that hit alone instead of bringing her into it.

He glances over at his phone as it rings again. It’s Gregg. He knows he should answer it. He knows they’re probably freaking out. Instead of answering, he sends a quick text to Gregg.

I’m grand.

Not exactly deep and meaningful but it’ll do. Gregg responds immediately.

Where the fuck are you? Get your ass back here now!

He ignores the message and jumps when someone knocks on the passenger window. He stares at the face on the other side but takes a minute to get his body to move. He opens the window and stares at his cousin.

‘Dara? What are you doing here?’

He lifts his cup of coffee. ‘I’m on my way to a meeting. Thought one of these would help me stay awake during it. The food van does amazing coffee. How about you? I don’t usually see you here.’

‘I just drove and ended up here.’

‘You look like you haven’t slept for days.’

‘What? Yeah, sorry. Just got a lot going on.’

‘I’ve got a few minutes. Do you want a coffee yourself? You seriously look like you could do with one.’

Tate nods absently. He wants to be alone, but a coffee might help clear his head. ‘Just black would be great.’

Dara reappears a few minutes later and climbs into the passenger seat. He hands the coffee over and Tate takes a drink. Hopefully the caffeine will give him a kick. He can feel Dara staring over at him as the silence drags on.

‘Excuse the lack of tact, Tate, but you really look shit.’

‘Rough day yesterday.’

‘Yeah, I heard. Sorry about that.’

Tate closes his eyes and rests his head against the headrest. Perfect. That means his parents will know soon enough. ‘You know me, have to be the talk of the family.’

‘Is it going to blow over?’