My stomach turns at that last question.
“My purity is none of your damn business.”
“I do not mean to disrespect you, Stella. I am concerned that you have been defiled in the company of this monster. You wishing to stay is…”
“I ran away from home, Rex. I’m done with everything. Forever. So go back to my father and tell him whatever you have to tell him. Tell him I’m dead. Tell him I’m gone. Tell him I fell into the sun. I don’t care what you say, as long as you and he, and everyone from Earth leaves me alone forever!”
“You’re hysterical, Stella. Get a grip of yourself. Remember who you are.”
“I have done nothing besides try to forget who I was.”
“You can’t escape your bloodline, Stella. You cannot escape yourself. No matter how far you run. You were born special. You were born to the greatest man in history. You were born to the man who is going to restore peace on Earth. You are…”
He talks with zeal and such deep-seated belief I almost envy him. It must be amazing to think you know what is right, and to be so convinced of it that absolutely nothing scares or dissuades you. Rex is going to do whatever it takes to get me back to Earth. I am certain of that.
“I’m not yours! I’m not his! You can’t make me go back! The alien owns me now!”
It’s sad that I have to tell this asshole that I am owned by someone else, because he cannot process the idea of me being owned by myself, but that’s what I do. I know how to manipulate these radical freaks.
“How could the alien own you? Wait. Are you saying… are you one of…”
And for the first time, he notices the collar.
His eyes widen as that information and all it suggests goes rushing through his brain.
“He’s taken you for his own,” he says in the sort of tone one might use to tell someone else that they are about to die any moment. He does not approve.
I don’t care. I don’t want his approval. I want him to leave me alone. I want him and all his soldiers to stop coveting me with their weird obsession. I want them to think I am desecrated and despoiled.
“It doesn’t matter,” he says, recovering from his shock. “You are your father’s only daughter.”
That could sound sweet. Could sound like it doesn’t matter what I do because daddy will love me anyway. But that’s not what it means at all. It means he still thinks he can drag me back and ensure that I am used for my father’s ends. I am my father’s only daughter, and that means I am the only marriageable pawn. My pussy has been for sale since I turned eighteen, it’s just they were waiting for a bigger payout than most pimps.
“Leave me alone.”
“I can’t do that. I won’t do that.”
Rex reaches for me.He tries to grab me by the fucking collar, attempting to use it as a handhold. I try to swing away, start to run, but he’s a big guy and he’s been fighting his entire life. He’s stronger, faster, and he’s psychotically determined to catch me.
I let out a shriek as I feel the collar tighten around my neck. There’s a pulse, and then a flash of sensation. I don’t know if it is detecting his fingers, or if it thinks I am trying to take it off, but whatever is happening, it doesn’t like it. A spark jumps down my spine, flashes across my scalp. I hear Rex let out a grunt and feel his fingers slacken and fall away.
When I turn around, all hell is breaking loose.
There is a snarl that makes the walls of the ship shake as Kahn appears out of fucking nowhere. Rex is collapsing, on his way down from whatever the collar just did to him. I’m guessing one hell of a belt from the device. I had no idea that it protected me as much as it claimed me.
My shock roots me to the spot as Kahn sends the soldiers flying like skittles and snatches Rex by the neck, wrapping big, long, clawed alien digits around his throat. That’s one hell of a way to break a fall. Seeing Rex handled by Kahn is like seeing a doll being roughly handled by a boy child whose only interest in the toy is breaking it.
While Kahn takes hold of Rex, Arkan is handling the rest of the soldiers. He gathers them up like a bundle of dropped sticks, pulling them up into his arms before pushing them through the nearest doorway and sealing them behind it. It all happens too quickly for them to be able to fight back. I hear them clamoring at the door, but I know there’s no chance they’re getting out of there in the short term.
Arkan and Kahn look at one another, and I know that the two of them are doing that thing again, that thing where they talk with their minds.
I have no idea what they are saying, but they clearly intend to take Rex away, judging by the way Kahn has already started to drag him away down the hall. I am surprised that nobody is paying much attention to me. I am left standing in the hall, free, but confused.
But of course, I have not actually been forgotten.
“Go back to the room,” Kahn barks over his shoulder. “NOW!”
There is such deep authority in his voice I don’t dare disobey him. I know I’ve fucked up. I know I almost got people hurt right now. The soldiers could have been killed. I don’t know what he and Arkan are going to do to Rex, but I bet it’s not going to be fun.