Page 28 of Tamed

I probably knew better. I knew I was pushing my luck days ago, to be honest. But I really thought I had him where I wanted him. I figured now we were fucking, he’d do what I said. I thought I’d broken his will with my pussy, proved my dominance over him with my….

“Ow!” I gasp as his palm makes contact with my bare ass.

This is the most embarrassing position possible, not just because it’s over his knee like I’m a damn baby, but because it is in front of his brother, who has said fuck all verbally to me, but I bet was talking mad shit in that telepathic way they do.

I’m just glad the other human girl isn’t here. And that none of the soldiers are around. If they saw me like this… hell. It might start a war. These aliens don’t know who I am. They don’t know… fucking anything. But Kahn sure as hell knows how to make my ass hot and sore.

“You’re going to speak with respect,” he says. “I understand that you are hungry, but rudeness will not get you anything from me. I think you were testing me on purpose. Is that right, pet? Did you want to see what you could get away with now we have mated?”

“Maybe?” I squeak the admission.

That earns me a stinging slap to both cheeks, but not a hard one.

“I thought so,” he growls. “You do not need to test me, human. You will never need to test me. I will always be here to discipline you when you need it. And from what I know of you, you will always need it.”

That’s a strangely comforting statement, though the rapid-fire series of smacks heating my ass up to what feels like tectonic levels of heat is not. I know I brought this on myself, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less.

Kahn spanks me until I am squirming and gasping and feeling thoroughly embarrassed. I really wish this wasn’t being observed by another alien. I hardly know Arkan, but I know he shares Kahn’s values, and I know he’s seeing my butt get absolutely roasted.

Amid all the embarrassment, I am starting to feel something else. Safety.

It’s strange, but Kahn’s absolute insistence on discipline no matter what the circumstances makes him predictable, and predictable is safe. I come from a world of chaos, where nobody is what they seem, and where everyone is always fighting for survival. I was lucky enough to be more insulated from some of the chaos than most people, but it was still intolerable.

Kahn stands me up again. I am blushing and embarrassed, but against all odds, incredibly happy. He looks down at me, big hands on his hips, a deep growl emitting from his throat as he begins to speak. I brace myself for what would be a well-earned lecture. But that’s not where he’s going with this.

“Let’s get you something to eat.”



Another day dawns with my sweet, rebellious pet sleeping not where pets should, but instead, in my bed. I wake up with the awareness of a slight stickiness between my pet and myself.

“Stella?” I nudge her gently. “Are you alright, pet?”

It takes her a moment to wake, but as her eyes flutter open, she suddenly becomes aware of the predicament we now share.

“Oh my god!” She emits a gasp of horror as she pulls away from me.

I see a flash of red beneath the covers. Blood. Human blood.

In a brief flash of incoherent pre-awake thought, I am convinced we have been attacked in our sleep. I wrap an arm around her waist and I swing her up and out of the bed, away from where the attacker may be. Her cry of surprise at being dragged out of the bed exacerbates the general atmosphere of concern.

“Put me down, you big stupid idiot!”

“You’re bleeding!”

“I know! It happens! It’s…. I can’t believe you don’t know what a period is!”

A period. Of course. Except it makes no sense that there could be this much blood from one woman on her cycle.

“A period is only a few tablespoons of blood….”

She laughs and she does not stop laughing.

“Not for me,” she says. “Not ever for me. I bleed a lot. Always have.”
