Page 19 of Tamed

“Are you learning your lesson, human?”

“Probably not,” she moans.

“Then let me work harder to teach you what you so badly need to learn…”

I push my fingers inside her, feeling the tightness of her flesh wrapped around my scaled digits. This is my first foray into her interior, and the way she grips me makes me feel welcome. I have resisted exploring her interior because I knew on some level that exploring her this way would inevitably draw me in mentally as much as it did physically.

I have put so much effort into resisting this hot little human, and now as my fingers experience the slick welcome of her pussy, it is almost impossible for me to stop myself from throwing her on the bed, spreading her thighs wide, and sliding my cock deep inside this tight hole of hers.

Mine. She’s mine.

Possessive thoughts run rampant through my mind as she starts to squirm, grinding her hips against my thighs as she works her greedy pussy on my fingers. The collar is doing its work, teasing her clit.


Oh shit.

He’s doing it. He’s playing with my pussy with both his body and his mind, and I think I’m going to fucking come right here and now.

“My god my god my god,” I whimper under my breath, trying to get control of myself, and failing terribly. I don’t want to show him how much he turns me on. I don’t want him to know that I fucking melt for him, and that he can play my body like a whole goddamn orchestra.

My legs are shaking as tremors of pleasure rush through me. That damn collar has my clit tingling and feeling like it is being licked and teased by the most skilled tongue in all creation. He must have a filthy and yet incredibly particular mind to have such control over the impulses he is sending between my legs.

Speaking of between my legs, his two fingers are still deep inside me, spreading me, taking a little of my long-held innocence and giving me a taste of what it might be like to be fucked by him.

That thought almost makes me orgasm. Just imagining his powerful alien body rising up over mine, his no doubt thick, long, proportionate cock turning my delicate human sex into… I don’t even know how to describe it in words. It is just a mental image of being helpless and overpowered and absolutely enthralled by his use — and it is enough to send me over the edge.

Try as I might to resist, I orgasm on his fingers. Squirming and moaning, my hips buck and my pussy grinds over the scaled digits deep inside me. My clit feels like it might explode from the tenderness and the sensitivity which suddenly inundates my overwhelmed nervous system.

Kahn chuckles with husky triumph, slowly sliding his fingers out of me. He says nothing as he picks me up off his lap and very much puts me to bed amid the cushions and blankets he recently retrieved for my use.

I curl up beneath a cozy blanket. My eyes are heavy, and the advantage of closing them also means I don’t have to meet Kahn’s no doubt triumphant gaze. I have behaved like a horny little animal, and I know it.

Fortunately for me, sleep is now an absolute imperative.



After being masturbated and pleasured and spanked to bed, I should drift off for a long and blissful sleep, but Kahn put me in the blankets and pillows nested next to his own bed, and not in it.

There is no way for him to know this, but I hate sleeping alone. I hate the dark. I hate everything about waking up in a cold sweat, freaking out about everything and nothing at all. I fell asleep when the lights were on and the room was on, and Kahn was working away, the rustle of his alien pen on alien parchment and the occasional growl that he makes when he is thinking accompanying me to sleep.

But I wake up in the dark. A complete dark. A total, silent dark.

I know he’s near me. Unless he’s not? Suddenly, it is very fucking important to be near him. This darkness feels all too encompassing, almost as though it is not just around me, but inside me.

I crawl over to where I think his bed is. It’s not far from me in terms of distance, but darkness makes short distances seem like vast spans. At least all his things are in the one big room rather than in a sprawling suite. I guess even on a big alien spaceship, actual space is probably at a premium. I find the edge of his bed in the dark and start up the side of it, finding the blankets and sliding up under them.

I’d never be caught dead doing this in the light of day, but in the dark and in the middle of the night, things make sense that don’t otherwise make sense, and suddenly seem like a very good idea. It’s warm under his blanket, which suggests to me he’s in this bed somewhere. Not that I want to find him, of course. I just want to know I am not alone.


I wake up to feel something moving beside me. Fortunately for the human, I tame the immediate impulse to kick at a nocturnal intruder for long enough for my mind to work out what is happening.

She is definitely not sleeping in the bed with me. She is a stranger, a human, and an animal. She is badly behaved. She is… creeping up under the blankets, and I am not stopping her. I should. I should get up and put her back into her own bed. This is another pet keeping tip I have given hundreds of times over.

“Don’t ever let your pet sleep in the bed with you,”I said in a past life.“Pets need their own beds. Pets need to know their place.”