Page 96 of Naughty Festivities

She hadn’t shed one tear. It was like her feelings had shut down and all she wanted to do was walk.

Like Forest fucking Gump.

It wasn’t smart of her, given she had no security. Except right now, she didn’t care.

It was over.

Completely over.

Jack’s words had cut to the heart of her, pushing up against her fears. She couldn’t agree to marry him, knowing he couldn’t grasp the understanding that what he’d done was dishonest.

Sure, he might not have had sex for two years. However, what if the next time he had too many drinks, then, oops, he slipped his dick into another assistant?

While married to her.

No way. It was too risky. It was better to run away now. Because she was running away.

She recalled the hurt in Jack’s eyes and shook it off.

This was for the best.

It was over.

Oh, God. She’d never see him again, and now her heart was tearing apart all over again.

When the elevator opened on her floor, Amelia found herself turning right instead of left and knocking on Logan and Emma’s door.

No answer.

She tried one more time and felt the tears building. How was she going to survive a life without him? Two weeks were terrible enough.

A tear fell down her cheek.

Amelia gulped down a rough swallow and turned back towards her room.

She didn’t want to be alone.

As she reached the elevators, they pinged open.

Like a miracle, her brothers walked out and stopped when they saw her.

“The fuck, Amelia?” Aidan cried, crossing the space between them. He gripped her shoulders, leaning down and staring into her red eyes.

“Who did this?”

Logan was right behind him, demanding, “Amelia.”

“Give her space, for goodness sake,” Emma said, trying to nudge them away. “Sweetie, are you okay?”

“No,” Amelia cried and launched her face into Aidan’s chest. His arms tightened around her, and the world started to right itself.

But not completely. Not like it usually did.

“Who is he, Amelia?” Logan demanded.

“I’m not telling you.” Her voice was muffled. Then she lifted her head. “Stay out of it, please.”

“I mean it,” she cried. “I love him...but. It doesn’t matter anymore.”