She saw the tension in his square jaw.
She felt the urge to call him and ask if he was okay. Because she might be hurting and angry, but Amelia still loved him. She cared deeply.
He had lost her as much as she had lost him.
She pushed down the tears that threatened and stole the remote from Aidan. She couldn’t watch another clip of Jack.
“What a fucking loser. You don’t fuck the help. Everyone knows that,” Aidan said.
“Yeah. What a dick, right,” she mumbled as she sipped her Green Tea. “Aren’t you flying to New York tonight?”
“In an hour. I’m packed. I just wanted to hang out before I go,” Aidan said. “You, okay? You seem kind of low lately.”
Logan had been over the day before, asking the same thing. She knew they were tag-teaming her. This time, she hadn’t told them about Jack. He was her dirty secret, and, aside from Stella, she was not sharing their love affair with anyone.
It was over now anyway, so what did it matter?
“Just struggling to finish my latest piece,” Amelia replied, and it wasn’t a lie. Being creative with a broken heart was a challenge at best, though she was determined not to let this break her.
Because fuck him.
If Jack hadn’t respected her enough to tell him about this horrible situation, then he evidently didn’t trust her. Or care about how it would’ve impacted her. What if she had been recognized? The media would be hounding her and her family right now.
Jack was selfish.
I still love him.
This was the rollercoaster she was on. One minute, she wanted to hug him and tell him this would work out. The next, she wanted to slap his gorgeous face and scream at him.
She still loved him, but that didn’t mean she could be with him. Amelia knew she’d move on, eventually. It was just taking a lot longer than she wanted.
After all, she’d only known him for two weeks.
It wasn’t like he was the love of her life.