Page 78 of Naughty Festivities

“What’s happened? Is it your mom?” she rasped.

“Amelia...” he started, and her heart slammed inside her chest.

“Tell me.”

Was it her brothers? No. She knew it wasn’t her family. She just knew. Nevertheless, she alsoknewit was something she didn’t want to hear.

Amelia pushed her chair back and shook her head.


“I’m so sorry,” Jack said, standing and reaching for her.

“Tell me,” she said, stepping away.

“None of it is true. At least... well, I did sleep with her.”

Blood drained from her face as she could feel the scallops coming back up.

“Who?” she asked, her voice barely audible.

“Before us. It was... she was my PA.”

Oh, God.

“She’s claiming to be pregnant with my child but won’t send any proof, and we can’t do the DNA test for another few weeks. She’s gone public. It’s all over the media.”

Amelia’s mouth fell open.

He knew?

This wasn’t a surprise to him?

“You let me fall in love with you knowing you impregnated your secretary? That you might be having a child with another woman? Jesus, Jack!” she cried. Angry tears slid down her cheeks.

“Amelia, I don’t know if the baby is mine. Fuck. Let me explain. Stop backing away from me,” he demanded.

Panting from the shock when only moments ago she thought the man of her dreams was going to get down on one knee, she let out a shriek and put her hand over her mouth.

“Oh, God.”

“Sweetheart.” He pulled her into his arms and Amelia let him, only because she needed to feel him hold her one last time.

“You knew,” she cried into his chest, gripping his shirt.

“This doesn’t change anything.”

Jack was wrong. He’d lied. Withheld vital information about his life that she should have been told. He let her fall in love with him.

She pulled back. “Did you just think this was going to go away?”

He nodded. “Honestly, yes. It was months ago. I never believed her, so I never wanted you to know about this.”

“That’s dishonest, Jack. What if the childisyours?”

Jack cursed and ran a hand through his hair. As angry as she was, she couldn’t deny how handsome he was. Only that was irrelevant now.

“Please, sit down. Let me explain everything,” he said.