Page 65 of Naughty Festivities

They were pretty pathetic walls right now. Jack had a feeling he could step right over them, but he respected her.

She would drop them when she was ready.

He was still coming to grips with how he felt, anyway.

And in the background, hoping this pregnancy threat with Cindy would disappear.

“Seeing you with Amelia, now that was something,” his mom said. “That girl had heart eyes for you.”

A smile crept onto his lips.

He knew exactly what she meant. Jack had caught Amelia watching him on occasion and, of course, he knew she was highly attracted to him, but these moments were different. It was as if she was trying to imagine her life with him.

God, he wanted the opportunity to show her how it could be.

He had ideas but was too weary yet to voice them. Especially as he stood by what he’d just told his mom. As a Dufort, pulling her from the family fold might be a challenge.

But Jack loved a challenge.

And he was starting to think he was in love with Amelia.

Every single inch of her. Her sexy body, big heart, dry sense of humor and creative spirit.

He glanced down and saw his mom watching him as he got lost in his thoughts.

“Oh, darling. My boy is in love.” She shrugged her shoulders up, all excited.

“I think I am,” Jack confessed. “Except it’s so fast, Mom. She’s not ready.”

Plus, he still hadn’t heard anything from Josh Black. He was keen to hear what they had learned about her. Darren replied that Cindy was not answering his messages requesting proof of the pregnancy, which left him wondering what that meant.

Was she lying then when he hadn’t immediately folded and decided to give up the act?

Or did she have something else planned? That was his greatest worry. The Cindy he knew was professional and reasonably intelligent. Then again, she had surprised him that night.

Jack had written it off to an attraction between two adults after a few late-night drinks while working. Never to be repeated.

Both of them were as dumb for doing it.

But he didn’t think she was cunning enough to blackmail him, even though he felt backed into a corner. Something didn’t add up.

While Amelia was worried about the media and her family recognizing her in the photo, he was concerned Cindy would react.

Something he’d stupidly not thought about in the moment.

But fuck it. That moment would have been lost to them if he’d not taken it, so he wasn’t going to regret it. Amelia was his priority.

If he could just understand what she truly wanted and get confirmation the pregnancy was real, then prove it wasn’t his—hopefully—then he could put this away and never expose Amelia to a side of him he wasn’t proud of.

One poor decision.

“Give her time,” his mom said, walking back to the dishwasher. “If it’s meant to be, it will be.”

He hoped she was right.


AFEW HOURS LATER,Jack got his answer. In the form of a text message.