Page 62 of Naughty Festivities

Logan’s phone beeped, and both Emma and Amelia clambered to look over his shoulder. He lifted his head.

“Ladies, space.”

“Holy shit,” Emma said, grabbing the phone out of his hand and holding it so Amelia could see. “We’ll take it.”

Daniel smirked. “I thought you’d say that, so I told him to send me the bill. Consider it my wedding gift.”

“Dan. You serious?” Logan asked, surprised.

Amelia glanced between them and then back down at the screen as Emma flicked from photo to photo. The Maui beachfront mansion was gorgeous—the views uninterrupted and perfect for a Dufort wedding.

“Thank you so much,” Emma said with a tear in her eye. “It’s beautiful.”

Harper squealed and clapped her hands.

“Thank you, Daniel. Honestly.” Logan’s voice was thick with emotion.

She felt her own throat tighten. Not just in happiness for her brother, but because it was so incredible to have her cousins back in their life. She had been a toddler when the fight between their fathers happened, but to know they’d missed out on knowing each other as kids was devastating.

They were making up for it now.

But something else had triggered her. Would she ever get married? Would she ever fall in love and know the happiness that almost all her siblings and cousins now did?

As if on cue, the two missing - Blake and Jacob—walked into the room. They’d been at their moms and maternal grandmothers for lunch. Now it was time for their annual post-Christmas lunch movie-thon. Then they’d have leftovers for dinner.

“Hey!” Blake said, looking at the screen. “Holy shit, it's all of you.”

Fletcher laughed. “Hey, Blake. Jacob.”

“What’s up?” Jacob said, leaning against the sofa.

They all chatted for another forty minutes before saying farewell. They’d all be together in Hawaii soon for Logan and Emma’s wedding.

She couldn’t wait.

“Right. What are we watching?” Aidan asked, clicking the screen off.

“Christmas movies!” Emma cried.

Blake said, “Something with some action.”

Oh boy.

Amelia slipped out of the room, knowing it was a losing battle and trying to choose a movie all of them would like, and she sent Jack a text.

Merry Christmas. Again. xx

I plan to show you just how merry you make me. Again. xx

Amelia’s thighs clenched as she anticipated his talented mouth on her again, knowing she wouldn’t be disappointed.

She was falling hard.

Jack was right. Saying goodbye felt like it was going to be impossible.

And maybe she didn’t want to.

Amelia headed back into the living room to find Independence Day playing.