Page 58 of Naughty Festivities

“No,” she said, tossing the tea towel and glancing around the room. “It’s so nice to meet you. Call me Debbie. Will you have a cup of coffee or cocoa?”

Amelia smiled and nodded. “Thank you.”

“I’ll go fix the ladder,” Jack said, caressing her back. “Mom, don’t show her any baby photos.”

She inwardly moaned.

This was not a meet the girlfriend, and she didn’t want his mom thinking that it was. But she would and there was nothing Amelia could do about it.

She shot Jack a smile which promised retribution later and he...







“Jack!” she said, pushing at his chest.

“Oh, don’t worry about me. I might be old, but I’m not dead. And you should see his sister with her husband. Outright inappropriate sometimes,” Debbie said. “Now they have twins.”

“Two devil spawns.” Jack nodded.

“Stop that. Go fix the ladder,” Debbie said.

“It’s not—” Amelia began.

“Back soon.” Jack smiled, winking at her as she glowered at him.

“Coffee or cocoa?” Debbie asked.

Amelia planted on a smile and turned. “Cocoa, please.”


AN HOUR LATER, AMELIAwas sitting in the living room, genuinely smiling as Jack’s mom told her the romantic story of how she met her late husband. Amelia wasn’t for a second going to interrupt the spell the woman was under as she relived the happy time, especially with the love shining in her eyes as she spoke.

Especially as the man had now passed on.

Jack’s dad.

“He wouldn’t take no for an answer,” Debbie said.

Sounds familiar.

“I honestly didn’t think he was my type at all. Too pushy. Too tall. Too loud,” Debbie said. “Nevertheless, two dates later, I found myself daydreaming about him, hoping he would call and ask me out again. Back then, we didn’t have mobile phones. Boys either rang or showed up at your house.”

“Sounds annoying,” Amelia smirked, sipping her drink.

“It could be. But if it was someone you really liked, when you saw their car your heart started pounding and you’d leap up to answer the door.”
