Page 54 of Naughty Festivities

“Thank you for the compliment, senator.” She poked her tongue out. “But the media has already taken two photos of you, and you’ve done three selfies.”

News that he was in town was out, and he’d had one crew do a live broadcast before he met her at the rink. But still, the blonde wig she was wearing was ridiculous, yet sort of sexy.

“Where did you get that, anyway?”

“Amazon.” She shrugged. “Look, if my family finds out we’re dating, you will consider the media child’s play.”

“I can handle them,” he said, standing and wishing he could kiss her.

“You might. I cannot,” she said. “Come on. Let’s go.”

Jack skated onto the ice behind Amelia, who took off spinning and showing off. After a few wobbles, he found his feet, and then they were gliding smoothly around the rink together.

“I’m impressed,” she said.

“I told you I loved this place.” Jack winked, relieved he hadn’t fallen yet.

They dodged a few kids being idiots, and as the sun began to fall lower in the sky and the lights around them began to flicker, Jack grabbed Amelia’s mitten-clad hand and squeezed it.

She gave him a little smile.

“Take those glasses off.” He teased.


“Can you actually see anything?”

“,” Amelia said and then laughed. “So please don’t let go.”

Jack chuckled and steered them towards the gate. A couple of yards from the exit, two teens came flying in front of them, and the momentum created a series of events he’d look back on one day and be thankful for.

But not today.

It happened so fast.

Jack arched back and began to topple. Except he didn’t let go of Amelia and she began to cry out as she tugged his hand. He reached for her as she reached for him, and the two crashed to the ground together.

Jack on top of Amelia.

“You, okay?” he asked, knowing his knee was going to be bruised as it hurt like a motherfucker.

Big eyes stared back at him as she nodded. “Winded, I think.”

He smiled. “I really want to kiss you.”

“Do. Not.”

Jack glanced over his shoulder.

Abe was standing near the gate looking concerned, and then when he saw his face and realized they were okay, he took a step back.

“I’m going to kiss you now.”

“Jack, I’m warning you.”

“How did your glasses stay on? Do you have them super-glued to your face?” He laughed.

“Get up. Get off me. If someone takes a photo of—”