Page 33 of Naughty Festivities

“Come here!” Lucy yelled and then frowned at the two of them as they walked into the living room with satanic grins on their faces.

Jack knew this wasn’t going to go well.

“What is—what the hell is it?” she asked, sitting up and putting her fingers reluctantly into Ben’s hair.

“This!” Ethan announced, revealing a tube of mayonnaise from behind his back.

Jack laughed as his sister shot him a look. Then she stood and nudged them both out the door.

“Shower. Now.” Lucy growled, snatching the mayonnaise. “Mom, I need towels.”

Jack felt exhausted just watching. He’d take the Senate any day over those two maniacs.

“Don’t know how you do it, man,” he said to his brother-in-law. “I need a tropical island holiday already.”

“I’m actually asleep, but my eyes are open,” Greg said, and they both laughed. “I love the little brats. They’ll grow out of it.”

Jack wasn’t sure.

He’d grown up with Greg and his brothers. All the antics they got up to as a kid came rushing back. One of them always had a body part in a cast, and then there were the fires that kept being mysteriously set.

He took note to remind Lucy about those.

“Think you might find it’s in the DNA, my friend. But good luck.” Jack laughed.

He wondered if Amelia wanted children.

He wondered if she’d been married before. Or if she wanted to have a family and to settle down.

She’d agreed to see him again, but that didn’t mean she had felt the same connection he had between them.

Or perhaps it was his cock talking.

Jack hadn’t thought much deeper than knowing he should start dating again after the Cindy Event, and he certainly had never expected to meet a woman like Amelia.

Her comments about being weird, instilled by her father, kept eating away at him. Why would a man say something like that to his daughter? She wasn’t even an alternative arty type. There was not one piercing on her body.

He smirked at his private joke.

He’d told her a clit piercing would heighten her pleasure. To which she had said it wasn’t possible; she was going to die from happiness tonight.

And yes, his chest had swollen to the size of Texas.

So no, Amelia wasn’t weird, but she was funny and incredibly beautiful. And amazing with her mouth.

Christ, was she amazing.

But was she the kind of woman he’d want to spend his life with? He didn’t know her well enough to answer that. Tomorrow? Yes. Next week? Still yes.

But jumping ahead and wondering if she wanted babies or to wear his ring was not wise. Anyway, what kind of father would he be if he spent half the week sleeping on the sofa in his office sofa?

Jack lifted his glass of whisky from the small table beside him, trying to push the image of Amelia, swollen with his child, from his mind.

God, she’d look gorgeous.

Regardless, he needed to calm the hell down. Yes, he liked this woman, but they lived miles apart in different states. Well, Washington was in the Columbia District, a territory, not a state, but semantics.

The point was, he’d met her last night.