Page 29 of Naughty Festivities

“If I google you, what will I find?” he frowned.

“Nothing,” she laughed.

“Let me reword it. If I ask Chang what your pseudo name is,thenGoogle it. What will I find, Amelia Dufort?”

She pressed her lips together, but the giggle broke through.

“Fine. I’ve sold a few pieces.” She confessed.

“And?” his hand ran down her side, tickling.

“Welp!” she jumped. “And they paid nice money for them.”

This time, he spread her legs and pressed his erection against her.

“How nice?” Jack asked, nudging inside her.

“Not as nice as your cock,” she purred, arching into him.

“Good answer.” He groaned as he thrust deep inside and drove them to their next orgasm.

Later, he was going to find out more about this complex woman.


AMELIA OPENED HER EYESand found herself surrounded by a most delicious warmth.

His name was Jack.

They had made love all night and woken during the early hours when he’d entered her from behind sleepily.

She’d never had so many orgasms in one day.

In between all the pleasure, they talked, laughed, teased each other, and solved all the world’s problems.

Or at least it felt like it.

Amelia loved a man who could hold a conversation and make her smile. Jack had as many talents in that area as he did with his gorgeous cock.

And mouth.

And fingers.

She smiled privately, feeling Jack stir beside her.

“Good morning, my little pole dancer.” He purred into her neck and then placed a kiss on the arch of her neck.

Amelia shivered and twisted around in his arms.

“Good morning, senator.”

He let out a little moan and tugged her against his erection.

“I think my body needs some recovery time. Oh. Yes. You can do that—”

“Yes, sweetheart. We are doing all of that again before I leave.” He growled against her lips.

“Is that right?”