Page 19 of Naughty Festivities

But once he got her across the line, they’d both be sweating. All night long.

“I’m only annoying to my sister. It’s law. Ask me, I studied it.”

That got a little smile out of her.

“Fine. But I want a Philly Cheesesteak,” Amelia said and began to walk to the entrance. “No silverware or crystal.”

“Woman after my own heart,” Jack said, grinning.


TEN MINUTES LATER,they were standing on the sidewalk with their coats wrapped around them and hands dug into their pockets.

“We’re going to stroll down to the Dilworth Park to the Christmas village,” he told Abe, his security guy.

“Yes, sir.”

He took Amelia’s hand and looped it through his arm. She lifted her face to his and God, she looked adorable.

“Guess if the media are out tonight, they won’t miss us.” He grinned down at her, then lifted his face and led them towards a great Philly Cheesesteak stand he hoped was around again this year.

“Because?” she asked.

“Your coat can probably be seen from space,” he replied, pressing the button on the crosswalk.

“It’s red, not neon,” Amelia replied.

“Neon red,” he said, shooting her a smile, and she snorted.

“Who knew senators could be so funny?” she muttered.

“It’s a well-kept secret. We don’t want people liking us.” He chuckled some more and led them across the street.

The park was busy, as expected, during the week before Christmas. They weaved their way through the crowds, taking in the delicious aromas from the food stalls and people swinging their Christmas shopping bags.

An enormous Christmas tree stood nearby with a million twinkling lights while people whirled around the skating rink, holding hands and laughing.

Well, some weren’t vertical.

“Do you skate?” Amelia asked, her eyes twinkling.

“Not for a long time,” Jack replied. “Here. This place has the best Cheesesteaks.” He tugged her away from the ice rink and bought them one each.

Amelia ordered a hot chocolate from the stand next to them. “Oh God, so good.” She moaned as she took a bite and there was no way his cock wasn’t going to be able to ignore that.

She knew, because when her eyes met his, he could see the moment she realized her mistake.

“Keep going.” His voice husky. “I love hearing a beautiful woman moan in appreciation.”

Amelia choked, and he slapped her back.

“Of her food,” he added, and she nudged him in his arm.

“Sorry, that was going a little too far.”

“I have brothers. It’s nothing I haven’t heard. But they’d castrate you if they heard you speaking to me like that, so word of warning, watch your back.”

“Noted.” He smirked and kept eating.