Page 17 of Naughty Festivities

Sure enough, they looked over, and Stella was chewing her bottom lip.

“Exhibit A.” Chang swept his hand out.

“Oops,” Amelia said and began to walk over to her friend. Before she could reach her, Jack held out his hand and introduced himself to Stella.

“Jack Rutherford,” he said. She was too close now to turn around and when his eyes swept to hers, he added. “Friend of Amelia’s.”

Oh no.

“Stella Freeman,” Stella replied, shaking his hand, shooting her a confused look. “You know the senator?”

Amelia wanted to shoot Jack ayou dumbasslook, but it was probably too soon.

“Yes. Not well. I was showing him around earlier,” she replied, her body reacting to Jack’s close presence once again.

“Congratulations on a great evening. Your pieces are impressive,” Jack said.

“Thank you,” Stella beamed.

“I’d like to acquire the piece behind us,” Jack said. “If it’s still available.”

Stella peered around him and announced. “No sticker. It’s all yours.”

Amelia hid her smile behind her hand and glanced up at the senator. If he was trying to impress her, it was working.

“Stella!” Chang waved. “Senator, nice to see you.”

“Chang.” Jack smiled and gave him a curt nod.

“Excuse me.” Stella danced off.

“I hope you didn’t do that for me,” Amelia said, dipping her eyes.

“Buy a forty-thousand-dollar painting? You must think my ability to get a date very poor.”

She felt her cheeks heat.

“No, I didn’t mean—”

“I know, but it was so worth seeing you blush.” He leaned in. “You blush all the way down to your breasts.”

Amelia’s core clenched as a delicious arousal shot through her.

“Do you always say such inappropriate things to ladies?” Amelia lifted her eyes to his, challenging him.

“Never,” he replied firmly, and she was unsure of what to say when he just let that hang in the space between them.

Her panties were soaked, and Jack was right. She could feel the heat on her chest, which gave away exactly how attracted she was to him. If he kissed her right now, she would have absolutely no willpower to stop him.

Nor would she want to.

“Walk with me,” he said, eyes darting across the room. Amelia followed his line of sight, looking confused. “Outside.”

“It’s going to snow,” she replied.

“I hope so.”