Page 109 of Naughty Festivities

Frankly, she’d rather tempt him into the bedroom, but alas, sometimes they had to do everyday life stuff.

“Alright. But my cousin thinks I’m a sad sack going to spend Friday night at the museum alone.”

She still hadn’t told them about Jack, but she would soon. Right now, they were in this happy little love bubble, and until she was officially moved to Washington—which she likely would be after this visit— she was keeping him to herself.

Her mom knew and loved him. That was enough for now. Although she felt a little bad keeping the secret from Logan and Aidan, Jack was too important to her.

“Why didn’t you say you were going to Stella’s instead?” Jack asked, running his hands along her own pair of designer jeans.

Amelia had introduced Jack to her best friend this week, and the two had got along great. He’d also met Stella’s husband, Luke. The four of them had talked for hours over dinner, leaving Amelia feeling blessed to have such an incredible man in her life.


Deciding to let down her barriers and trust him was the best choice she’d ever made. Harper was right. She needed to give him a chance because men like him didn’t come along every day.

She’d just been scared.

Of course, there was always a risk he’d hurt her. Heck, they had a life ahead of them. They’d probably hurt each other a few times before they lay their heads to rest for the last time.

That was called life.

When Jack had shared how his marriage ending had impacted him and that he never wanted to become a man who dated widely—or rather slept with a lot of women—Amelia had begun to understand who he really was.

Jack didn’t want to become the bachelor the media painted him to be. So, he’d remained celibate for the most part. For too long, they both agreed.

Until Cindy.

She wasn’t making excuses for him because Jack repeatedly said he was responsible for his actions, but she could see how his celibacy had led to that one poor choice at the moment.

Little did he know she would betray him.

Bottom line, he’d been taken advantage of.

It wasn’t who he was, and it certainly hadn’t happened while they were together. Jack hadn’t cheated. So Amelia had opened her arms and was now happier than she’d ever been.

She loved him.

“I hate lying,” Amelia replied. “So the truth just fell out. If I told Blake about you, he’d be on the phone with Aidan in two seconds flat.”

Jack laughed. “I’m not scared of your brothers, sweetheart. Just tell them.”

“Nope. When I’m miles away, I’ll text them.”

“They’re going to be upset.”


But this was her life.

They pulled on their coats and walked the few blocks from Jack’s apartment along Benjamin Franklin Parkway - Abe, a distance behind them - to the museum. It was snowing lightly, but Jack said he felt like walking off all the food they’d eaten over the past week.

They had dined out a lot.

Amelia glanced up at him as they neared the Philadelphia Museum of Art and saw his mind was elsewhere.

“Looking forward to getting back to Washington?” she asked, wondering if work was on his mind.

“Huh?” Jack glanced down, and she frowned.