Page 104 of Naughty Festivities

It was now or never.

And as Jack stood there, his face lined in anguish, Amelia knew the choice was hers. He wasn’t chasing her. He wasn’t even waiting for her.

Fate had put them in the same place at the same time, and it was up to her.

Her feet started moving.


“Go. I’ll see you later on,” she called over her shoulder to Black as she began to walk faster and faster across the lobby.

Then, as if she was in a stupid romantic movie, Amelia began to run. Jack dropped the other into his other bag and stepped away from his luggage, his arms opening.

Then she slammed into his chest.

“Thank fuck.” Jack groaned into his hair.

Tears leaked down her face onto his white shirt. Amelia had no idea how they were going to navigate this, but she knew she belonged right here. In his arms.

“I hope you know I’m never fucking letting you go now. Never,” he said.

“Just don’t hurt me and then I won’t want you to,” Amelia replied.

“Deal,” Jack said, and when she lifted her face, the two of them gazed at one another. Both their pain was visible and raw. “Tell me you love me.”

“Oh, Jack. I love you so much,” she rasped out.

“Come home with me. To Philly. I am taking a few weeks off. Let’s use that time to work out our lives and what we want.”


“Right now, sweetheart.” He smiled, his blue eyes deep with emotion.

Amelia lifted on her tiptoes and kissed him.

An hour and a half later, she was back in the air, this time with the man she loved heading back to Philadelphia.