Page 99 of Naughty Festivities

“Sorry, I should have called,” he said, feeling bad.

“Where are you? It sounds like, can I hear birds?” she asked.

Jack let out a laugh, and it sounded weird even to his own ears. He’d barely smiled in days, let alone laugh. “I’m in Hawaii.”

“Oh. With Amelia?” her voice perked up.

No. Not anymore.

“I saw her, yes.” He answered.

There was a long silence.

“It didn’t go well, I assume,” his mom said. Instinctual, as always. “Give her time, darling.”

He rubbed his forehead and adjusted his cap.

“I think that ship has sailed. We talked, and she just got madder.” Jack admitted.

Two couples walked past hand in hand, probably on their honeymoons, looking carefree and happy. Envy flashed through him. A feeling he wasn’t comfortable with. He’d never felt jealousy in his life.

Until he’d lost the woman he loved.

“Sitting back and watching it unfold can’t have been easy,” his mom replied. “She loves you.”

He knew that.

Jack had seen it in her eyes, felt it in her touch. Knew it in his soul.

Sometimes, love just wasn’t enough.

“Amelia doesn’t feel like she can trust me. Excuse my French, Mom, but it pissed me off. I didn’t cheat on her. I didn’t even know her then.” Jack shared, needing to get it off his chest.


“That isn’t fair, is it?” he stated, not even posing it as a question.

She was quiet.


“All I will say is you made some bad choices. We all do it from time to time. Amelia doesn’t know you. She doesn’t know the man you are. You spent two weeks together. Give it time.”

Jack kicked the sand.

If he gave her more time, he was concerned she’d spend it getting over him.

Maybe he should kidnap her.

He nearly smiled again, even though it was mostly a joke.

“I was going to propose. No, Iwasproposing the night the news broke.” Jack admitted. “I love her, mom. She’s the one. I know it. I can’t lose her.”

“Oh, Jack.” His mom’s voice soothed through the phone, almost making him tear up.


He knew that tone.